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piers morgan (and the daily mail) keep it classy

She's not in the same league as Morgan, for sure. But she's a liberal arsehole who tries her best to undermine anything the left in Labour does. And stretches her Harry Potter political metaphors to the point of absurdity.
She lives down the road from my mum (or down a couple of roads, my mum does not live in Barnton) and has the tallest hedge I've ever seen in my life. Well regarded locally.
She does seem to dive right into the slagging matches on Twitter. Not that she shouldn't be allowed to, but my gripe is that she uses her fame to influence other ppl's politics.

Mind you, dunno why I'm surprised as it goes on all over, every single day somebody uses their 'power' to try and influence others into thinking/believing the same shite they do. And that's bipartisan as a comment, no one party has a monopoly on the famous trying to champion their thinking...
She lives down the road from my mum (or down a couple of roads, my mum does not live in Barnton) and has the tallest hedge I've ever seen in my life. Well regarded locally.

If Rowling lives in barnton and is well regarded by the locals, then that's evidence enough of her cuntitude, imo.
Since when was "Piers Morgan says something" regarded as news, especially by a media organisation who's never employed him? Maybe he's heard Dacre's voicemails...
How's Rowling a bastard then?

She lied about Trump ignoring a disabled kid when he didn't and he greeted him, Trump is an arsehole and there is a lot to criticise him for so making up shit like this is just stupid. It does reveal a shallowness at the heart of the liberal 'opposition' to Trump, instead of going after him on any actual substantive issues as they have little to offer as an alternative, they do stuff like this or spend days talking about his little hands or his handshakes.
Pot and fucking kettle on Morons part.

He was Editor of the Mirror at the height of the phone hacking scandals. Yet he denies all knowledge to this date. He was either a monumentally inept editor; or he was, and still is, a two-faced lying wanker. On top of that there was the photo 'proof' of supposedly abusive squaddies in Iraq, that turned out to be from a training exercise in the uK using vehicles that were never deployed to Iraq. The story did lead to an upsurge in the violence out there though. The only decent thing Clarkson ever did was poke the fucker on the nose.
She's apologised: JK Rowling apologises over Trump disabled boy tweets - BBC News

To the kid and not to Trump.

"I very clearly projected my own sensitivities around the issue of disabled people being overlooked or ignored onto the images I saw and if that caused any distress to that boy or his family, I apologise unreservedly."

Woolly liberal, of course she won't say sorry to Trump for smearing him. It's cos of people like her that we have Trump in the first place. See also, Brexit.
Piers morgan is a lightweight gossip merchant who tried to play at editor and got burned badly.
The iraq farce was worse he heard about the abuse couldnt and wouldnt wait for proof and sent a hack to offer squaddies cash for pictures of torture.
Some TA fuckwits faked up some pic in a carpark in preston and piers against all advice put them on the front page and stuck by them even when bullshit was called on them.

Ta fuckwits didnt get done by the army as they hadnt signed in so weren't under military law at the time:facepalm:
It's hard to find a more reprehensible shitbag in the media than Morgan.

Rowling is an embarrassment and emblematic of the New Labour luvvies, as seen by her ridiculous Twitter fights with Corbyn supporters.
Did she ever claim to be a socialist?

From Wiki:

Rowling is known for her leftist political views. In September 2008, on the eve of the Labour Party Conference, Rowling announced that she had donated £1 million to the Labour Party, and publicly endorsed Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown over Conservative challenger David Cameron, praising Labour's policies on child poverty.[192] Rowling is a close friend of Sarah Brown, wife of Gordon Brown, whom she met when they collaborated on a charitable project for One Parent Families.[114]
From Wiki:

Rowling is known for her leftist political views. In September 2008, on the eve of the Labour Party Conference, Rowling announced that she had donated £1 million to the Labour Party, and publicly endorsed Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown over Conservative challenger David Cameron, praising Labour's policies on child poverty.[192] Rowling is a close friend of Sarah Brown, wife of Gordon Brown, whom she met when they collaborated on a charitable project for One Parent Families.[114]

That doesn't support what you've just said. In fact it kind of proves you were wrong.
From Wiki:

Rowling is known for her leftist political views. In September 2008, on the eve of the Labour Party Conference, Rowling announced that she had donated £1 million to the Labour Party, and publicly endorsed Labour Prime Minister Gordon Brown over Conservative challenger David Cameron, praising Labour's policies on child poverty.[192] Rowling is a close friend of Sarah Brown, wife of Gordon Brown, whom she met when they collaborated on a charitable project for One Parent Families.[114]

Here's an article about her views on Corbyn.

JK Rowling gave 'blast of reality' on Jeremy Corbyn, says Labour MP

Even a tweet where she describes herself as a neoliberal centrist. OK its a bit tongue in cheek but if you called her a socialist she wouldn't be happy.
TBF if I was in a position of power or influence I'm sure I'd use to air my views and try to swing public opinion. Why not? Just about every other cunt is at it nowadays.

I might not agree with a number of her views, but I won't berate her for expressing them. Is she any worse than other public/ powerful figures playing that game? Or indeed proprietors of newspapers openly trying to influence the outcome of elections and referendums? Or the owner of Wetherspoon pubs and the europhobic bullshit he pushed down his pub patrons' throats on the coasters underneath every pint served?
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