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Phone repair shops in and around Brixton


My friend managed to drop her phone. Screen's not smashed but it doesn't turn on at all all now (Huawei P30). Various internet fixes attempted with no luck.

Any suggestions for a reliable firm in Brixton or thereabouts? Or would she be better off heading into town to use the more well known repair shops?
Cant talk about local shops, but I found fixmyiphone.co.uk in Fore St (Moorgate WeWork) very good. Website says they do non apple as well). May be worth a call

FWIW they did a better job for me than did a bunch called "360 mobile"
My friend managed to drop her phone. Screen's not smashed but it doesn't turn on at all all now (Huawei P30). Various internet fixes attempted with no luck.

Any suggestions for a reliable firm in Brixton or thereabouts? Or would she be better off heading into town to use the more well known repair shops?
The big shop on the corner in Electric Ave is really good. Quick and good value.
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