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Paris burns after police murder youth


Putin fanboy
But apparently the police, the same police who once killed hundreds of Algerians and threw them into the Seine are not racist.

Police not racist, says local MP​

We've heard from Prisca Thevenot, an MP for President Macron's Renaissance Party, who has denied any racism in the police.
The politician - whose Hautes-de-Seine constituency covers the area where the teenager was killed, told the BBC World Service Newshour's programme:
In the case of Nahel, tonight the policeman who caused his death is going to sleep in prison, so there is no lack of justice, there is no kind of racism in the whole police institution. The police are not racist."
A bit harsh? Just looked like a throwaway remark. :(
A 17 year old is shot dead by police (who have serious form for brutality/racism) and people are up in arms about it. And you think pointing out
Got to give it to the French, they know how to riot..
is a shit response to this is 'a bit harsh'?

Last year in France, there were 13 killings by police in similar circumstances, with the victims being disproportionately black/of N African origin. But hey:
Got to give it to the French, they know how to riot..

This was a shit comment too:
Were Lidl involved somehow? Had the bakery run out of croissants?
What a horrendous business
I think I heard that German police get 2 or 3 times the training of the French...
I was amazed to see the officer's lawyer interviewed ,,, he actually referred to the Niece terrorist attack in this context ...

whats your "takeway"?
Every time things erupt in the banlieux, there's talk of investment and trying to sort out inequality and high unemployment and reducing tensions with the police.

And yet we always, invariably, end up back in the same place. So my takeaway is that things never change and while trashing your own area is a shit thing to do, the frustrations behind it are clear and understandable.

FWIW, I used to work very near Nanterre (officially that area but more known by the name of the local 'town'.) I've been in Paris for the last month and apart from lots of sirens last night, you wouldn't know anything was happening. No-one talking about it in the office or the metro. Because the banlieux are out there somewhere and nothing to do with us and whatever. 🤷‍♀️
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Every time things erupt in the banlieux, there's talk of investment and trying to sort out inequality and high employment and reducing tensions with the police.

And yet we always, invariably, end up back in the same place. So my takeaway is that things never change and while trashing your own area is a shit thing to do, the frustrations behind it are clear and understandable.

FWIW, I used to work very near Nanterre (officially that area but more known by the name of the local 'town'.) I've been in Paris for the last month and apart from lots of sirens last night, you wouldn't know anything was happening. No-one talking about it in the office or the metro. Because the banlieux are out there somewhere and nothing to do with us and whatever. 🤷‍♀️
Wait till they come down the champs elysee like has happened before
So my takeaway is that things never change
That's why there's not a huge amount to talk about here
Police are racist murderers - repeat, repeat, repeat - nothing changes
Therefore rioting absolutely the last and correct response.
"Got to give it to the French, they know how to riot.."
That's why there's not a huge amount to talk about here
Police are racist murderers - repeat, repeat, repeat - nothing changes
Therefore rioting absolutely the last and correct response.
"Got to give it to the French, they know how to riot.."
Of course there's a huge amount to talk about.

Why do things never change? Have the promises made actually been followed through on? What does this mean for mainstream and not so mainstream politics? How/has France's approach to race/class fed into all this?
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In preparation for moving to the country (albeit to a very different part of it - unless I have to rent for a while in Brest - which also has its HLMs and occasional car-burning)..I found myself watching fly-on-the-wall police programmes ..

The impression I got was that the police. like the political class are to a large extent very compartmentalised professionalised and trained - making politicians somewhat over-confident - though the programmes were mostly about discreet teams of crime and traffic specialists working closely with the judiciary and no doubt a sanitised view...

Clearly the bread and butter police (like the riot police) are a different kettle of fish and doubtless attract dodgy recruits ...

On a personal basis, just how would one actually aim a firearm at another human being in any but the most extreme circumstances ..
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So according to that video, there was a car chase after a car failed to stop. When the target vehicle was finally caught, the driver appeared about to drive off again and he was fatally shot.
Bloody car culture ...
Difficult to get my head around - but then I'm not a disadvantaged inner-city kid and could own or drive a car any time I wanted.
I've seen fly-on-the walls of youngsters in the UK with weed smoke pouring out of a car .. and I've actually encountered that myself ..
Do something in a car and your chance of encountering the police is massively increased...
And as a cyclist and pedestrian I'm glad that vehicles are heavily regulated - they are the most deadly weapons most people ever encounter.
Of course if you're of the "wrong" demographic you will look at traffic stops differently ...

But deadly force ....
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Yes, that's what the procureur said, nearly hit a pedestrian and a cyclist during the chase. He said it was being driven dangerously and that's why the police tried to stop it, then chased. (I'm not offering judgement, just a rough translation of the report)
A 17 year old is shot dead by police (who have serious form for brutality/racism) and people are up in arms about it. And you think pointing out

is a shit response to this is 'a bit harsh'?

Last year in France, there were 13 killings by police in similar circumstances, with the victims being disproportionately black/of N African origin. But hey:


This was a shit comment too:

have you heard of gallows humour? have you been on this forum before? or the internet?

come on, part of the obvious appeal of this forum in my short time browsing it is that we are all roughly on the same page. so it's kind of a given nobody is really happy about what happens. but part of the way we all get through this, and all the other shit going on, is making jokes in amongst the chin-stroking. so sorry, it isn't for one person to suddenly decide which threads people can't make jokes on.
I think if shots had to be fired at all (which I doubt tbh) they should have shot the car's tyres out instead. But what do I know? I'm not a trigger-happy armed copper 🤷‍♂️
Indeed, I'm always shouting at videos of people running away being shot and killed by US cops "if you're going to shoot, then shoot them in the fucking leg why can't you?". It might make a car even more difficult to control though if there are people round.
have you heard of gallows humour? have you been on this forum before? or the internet?

come on, part of the obvious appeal of this forum in my short time browsing it is that we are all roughly on the same page. so it's kind of a given nobody is really happy about what happens. but part of the way we all get through this, and all the other shit going on, is making jokes in amongst the chin-stroking. so sorry, it isn't for one person to suddenly decide which threads people can't make jokes on.
Yes, no problem querying the post - it was the addition of "Christ" that grated with me. I'd imagine that a good 10% of the posts on the Ukraine threads could get a similar response: "Tens of thousands of people dying and that's a lighthearted post?"
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