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Odd filums

Something I have been pondering for a while. odd filums. Ones that may have seemed like a good idea by someone at some time, but have been forgottten or shelved.Strange plots , miscastings and locations seem to crop up .A couple i have recently watched:

The best pair of legs in the business- Reg Varney c. 73- A sometime drag host at a holiday camp, being cuckolded and slowy ground down as his starts to collapse around him. Not on the buses.

Take me high- cliff richard c. 73- Banker finds himself in Birmingham and decides to open a burger bar in the utterly trashed and run down canal area. I have watched this twice and still cannot get my head around :why ?
Rambo 4 ( probably not its official name but can’t be arsed to look it up).

I wouldn’t normally class a sequel of an established franchise as odd- it’s usually just a cynical money making exercise after all. But Rambo 4 was just such an over-the-fucking-top gorefest not remotely related to its predecessors that I for the first hour I genuinely thought it had to be some kind of prank.

If it’d starred some nobody actor I’d have dismissed it as just another low budget sequel. But what in the actual fuck was Stallone thinking when he agreed to such bizarre car crash? :confused:
Funnily enough, another Ringo film, but with Peter Sellers: The Magic Christian. I think it might be one of the few films I started but couldn't finish...and i generally like sellers films.
Something I have been pondering for a while. odd filums. Ones that may have seemed like a good idea by someone at some time, but have been forgottten or shelved.Strange plots , miscastings and locations seem to crop up .A couple i have recently watched:

The best pair of legs in the business- Reg Varney c. 73- A sometime drag host at a holiday camp, being cuckolded and slowy ground down as his starts to collapse around him. Not on the buses.

Take me high- cliff richard c. 73- Banker finds himself in Birmingham and decides to open a burger bar in the utterly trashed and run down canal area. I have watched this twice and still cannot get my head around :why ?

Reg Varney was a huge star on British TV back in the early 1970s - and he was associated with more than On the Buses. The Rag Trade was another major TV comedy series he was all over.
IIRC there were several attempts to break Varney into wider media success - music, film, compering/hosting but his time was probably up as none were very successful.

A look at Take Me High's production partners suggests joint US/UK funding, which probably tells it all. At that time and until the mid/late 1980s, through successive acts of parliament, US film producers/distributors were compelled to spend a proportion on film production in the UK to be allowed to operate here and to avoid being held to be in a monopoly situation. This resulted in a lot of utter turkeys and b-features being produced just to fill the quota. The James Bond franchise is probably most prominent/longest running example of films produced under the scheme. There is already a thread here with more detail about it. Birmingham was also going to some lengths to sell itself as the most wonderful/progressive city in Britain at the time. Its industry might have been dying but the full horror of Thatcher-era decline and depression was still to hit.
Just remembered that such was his profile, Reg Varney was the "star" chosen to launch that most amazing bit of new technology - the automated cash dispensing machine to the British public.

Just remembered that such was his profile, Reg Varney was the "star" chosen to launch that most amazing bit of new technology - the automated cash dispensing machine to the British public.

Notice the bloke in the wings trying to photograph his pin number.
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