Progressive misanthrope
Well, I suppose the more nuanced argument (and to be honest, biotech was a new field when I studied biology) is that medical research is in conformity with quite a few more safeguards, and "exposure" to GM medicines is limited to those who require such novel creations, whereas the average GM crop of the 1990s was fairly poorly-controlled in terms of limiting the various routes by which the GM lines could cross into the general population. For all the boasting about sterility and the impossibility of cross-fertilisation, for example, we know that some "terminator" lines of seeds didn't terminate, and cross-bred with other strains. All in all, I suspect that Luddism (Hail Ned!) is less of an issue than public concerns (some well-informed, some poorly-informed) about possible environmental consequences, and the blithe disregard that the politicians and Big Farma (see what I did there? ) showed those public concerns when the technology was new still go a long way in informing reaction to the idea of agricultural GMOs.
Yeah I think the lack of regulatory control would be my main concern. The standards and safeguards for use of engineered crops are nothing compared to what you have for use of pharmaceuticals. I don’t think there is even a recognised standard of quality assurance for the trial usage of such things like there is for use of new drugs. The FDA once burnt a load of Wilhelm Reich’s orgone books in the US, can’t see them ever taking such a hard line against these big agro companies and torching a few crops that fail to meet standards. Safeguards against cross contamination for active pharmaceutical ingredients is number 1 on any auditors list when they come to my place, but for these crops it seems like they’re happy to just hope the wind doesn’t blow too hard and spread the stuff around! Still I’m not against them in principle.