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Obsessing over celebrities may be linked to lower intelligence study suggests....

That this is the reality of it has been true for as long as I can remember.

Why this should be so is much tougher to understand and would make an interesting psychological discussion from anyone with any knowledge on this to impart.

There have been occasions - in the 60s with so called Beatlemania, and in the 70s with the likes of the Osmonds and Bay City Rollers - when the hero worship went so far off the scale that it amounted to mass hysteria.

This is surely hard to understand logically and would require some measure of insight into the psychology of what was going on.
Yep. It’s not because teenaged girls are thick, something else going on. Totally baseless hypothesis but maybe some people just carry on doing that when they’re older whilst most don’t because real relationships happen instead.
Quite an interesting subject really. They’re thickos doesn’t quite do the job though, unless you’re happy to say women are significantly thicker than men and ignore a whole load of other stuff.
Research conducted by myself found that people like me can't be arsed to read the study under discussion but still like to comment, so I'm going to say I agree with it.

My evidence is a bloke who was on the periphery of the indie/alternative music scene in the town I grew up in. Plenty of Smiths fans and Morissey clones in that crowd, but this bloke took it to the extreme. Only other music he liked was stuff endorsed by Morissey or collectively embraced by other Smiths nutters. He became a vegetarian because of Morissey and then became a right-wing flag-waver because of Morissey. He was thick as shit really. Totally incapable of independent thought.
I'd hope he could spell Morrissey though. Despite his thickness.
Quite an interesting subject really. They’re thickos doesn’t quite do the job though, unless you’re happy to say women are significantly thicker than men and ignore a whole load of other stuff.
Ignore football for a start.
It’s an odd thing that for a while when you’re a teenager (or at least it was like that at my school in the early 90s) it was pretty much expected that all girls would or should be obsessed with Celebs in the pathological type of way. Like a right of passage almost. Not so with boys idk ?

Lots of teenage boys really idolise football teams and football stars and other sports stars..

Come to think of it....its not just teenage boys that idolise football teams...
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Have never understood the mostly but not exclusively adult male obsession with football, particularly the fact that grown adults from places like Truro and Tunbridge Wells support teams like Manchester Utd or Liverpool FC when they have zero connections with these places. Yet they talk of their chosen team's victories or defeats as "we" have won this or "we" have lost that. It is fundamentally illogical.
Years ago, I was working in a shop and Howard from Take That came in. Not a clue who the guy was, I had a quick chat with 'a customer' and he left. After he left my colleague asked me if I knew who he was. I said "no" before being told.
Yeah but because they score goals for their favourite teams; not simply because they're famous.

Ach...it's all a vicious circle.
Aladdin yeah i think nobody is saying that teenagers are thick for doing it, its supposedly normal at that age.

Is it normal?
Or is it just something that an average teen might do..
As a kid I remember wondering why kids in Ireland were buying football cards and idolising Man U when they'd never been to the UK let alone Manchester.
But ... back then I was more into crafts and books. So maybe it just depends on your interests.
I and most people I know when looking back on our younger selves think "what a twat!" Lol
yet so many people listen to and so greatly admire music written and played by people in their teens and twenties and indeed often remain greatly attached to such throughout their lives - see, for example, the widespread great and continuing adoration of the sex pistols, none of whom were older than 23 when the band split.
That this is the reality of it has been true for as long as I can remember.

Why this should be so is much tougher to understand and would make an interesting psychological discussion from anyone with any knowledge on this to impart.

There have been occasions - in the 60s with so called Beatlemania, and in the 70s with the likes of the Osmonds and Bay City Rollers - when the hero worship went so far off the scale that it amounted to mass hysteria.

This is surely hard to understand logically and would require some measure of insight into the psychology of what was going on.

Raging hormones, a desire for "romance" - but safely, at a distance.
bimble is this the sort of thing that you’re looking for?

Studies that explore parasocial relationships, their impact on individuals and their broader effects are starting to burgeon now.
It looks like cognitive impairment resulting from parasocial relationships ( as per the OP) has been a topic of interest for some time already.

Like, this one is from 2003

This is from 2010

Woah! Ugly! Clumsy!
I’ll try to tidy that up

Eta again
Here’s the pubmed link for that but I’ll leave that ugly mess up there too cos it’s paper itself.

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I’m going to take a flying leap and guess that this is yet another case where the OP hasn’t actually read the study to verify that the clickbait headline is justified.
I’m going to take a flying leap and guess that this is yet another case where the OP hasn’t actually read the study to verify that the clickbait headline is justified.

If you google for terms like parasocial relationship cognitive impairment deficit it looks like it’s a question that’s been considered for some time.

Do another search for parasocial relationships + any other term, including positives outcomes, you’ll see results for that too.

I think we’re only just starting to explore what it means for so many huge numbers of humans to fixate and obsess on people we’ve never met. Before the internet, and before the pandemic (which has increased numbers, I think) parasocial relationships were still in the minority. Now, we’re in - or nearing - the situation where people have more online relationships (with people they never or rarely meet) than IRL relationships.

E.M Forster’s The Machine Stops should be required reading.

I notice that Radio 4 has dramatised it recently.

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