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Norway: Nationalist Progress Party to enter Govt


Well-Known Member
Norway's anti-immigration party likely to enter government this week
Survivors of the Utøya island massacre in 2011, perpetrated by an anti-immigration extremist, are concerned this will lead to a rise in social hostility


Following elections, the anti-immigrant Progress Party will enter national govt as a junior partner in a centre right coalition, yet more signs of a resurgence of these parties?
their vote will drop massively, they were ahead of the conservatives and in second place last time, it was just that Labour were in a majority coalition with the Socialist Left ad the Centre Party (agrarian, small-c conservative but very protectionist)

edit, graun are jumping the gun, the election's not been held yet. call back at about 10pm tomorrow for actual results

the key question is whether the liberals and christian party will have the numbers and the will to block FrP's entry into government, both parties have been making noises in that direction, but they want a seat at the table too obviously
If they do get into government I think that might tar them the same way it tarred the Socialist Left, who've lost tons of voters the last 5 years.
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