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North/East Londoners with car - occasional volunteers needed to help migrants


Approved by toads
I've been helping out about every other week with a charity called Akwaaba that provides hot meals for migrants or people in need, no questions asked, in Hackney, every Sunday. Since last year, due to Covid I guess, they've been giving out the meals in a community garden, but they need drivers to ferry the food from the church a mile or two away where they're prepared. They're not long on drivers and I'm going to get busier from next month with various things going on in my life so I'm trying to rope in a couple more people to make up for me being less available. There's various driving duties, but I normally do the meal runs as the other ones are earlier and I'm not very local. The meal runs on average take place between 12-2, between picking up meals and dropping some stuff back at their storage place nearby.

It's a great charity, it would piss off the Daily Mail and you can commit as much or as little as you are able, but even if you might be able to give one session a month that would be great as they could do with a bigger driver pool. So drop me a line if you'd like details - cheers.
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