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Nintendo Reveals The Hideous $130 2DS, Will Cut Wii U Price To $299

Fez909 said:
Denial? Someone posted the numbers on the other thread which proves Nintendo are doing fine.

And tablets are shit for games at the minute. Hideous is a word I'd use to describe the fake on-screen controls that any of the potentially decent mobile games have. Touch screen just doesn't lend itself to complex gaming. Yet(?)

This will sell bucket loads and I actually prefer the look of it to the 3DS - 3D is a horrible gimmick.

Tablets lend themselves well to board and mouse click games. Shite if any kind of joystick would be suitable.
Kid_Eternity actually posted a thread about IOS gaming where they were planning to release a semi-official joypad attachment. If that happens then I think it'll definitely work, but currently you have the possibility of making your game joypad aware, but hardly anyone does because hardly anyone has the attachments. And as a developer, you can't know which one they've got. So the game has to be developed to the lowest common denominator: the touch screen :(

Make them 'official' though, and you will have a set of constraints to work within and you might know that say 60% of the people buying your game are likely to have the adapter, so you can make the call to include the advanced input and only lose 40% of your potential audience, instead of anything up to what? 99%?

Standardisation is the key. Until that's nailed, touch screens are not there yet.

It's not an if, its a definite. The spec & software side of things is official Apple, coming with iOS 7, while the hardware itself will be made by a range of other hardware companies rather than Apple. There are a couple of different versions of the spec, including one which does not not act as a case round the iOS device and is therefore well suited to tablets. The number of buttons etc, their sensitivity and the deadzones of the sticks are part of the spec and Apple will strictly enforce such standards. I don't know when the first versions will be out but it should be well before the end of the year.

The main limitation to this plan is that Apple are not allowing software developers to make games that only work with the hardware controller, you still have to include support for those who don't own any kind of joypad and will just be using the touchscreen.
The main limitation to this plan is that Apple are not allowing software developers to make games that only work with the hardware controller, you still have to include support for those who don't own any kind of joypad and will just be using the touchscreen.

Pointless then.
Nintendo have a complete gaming niche. They are not under threat at all.

Quite a big niche it is too. 32.48 million 3DS consoles sold thus far, and Nintendo are yet to release a proper Pokemon game. I'm sure when they release Pokemon X and Y next month they will sell one or two more :D.
Mate, if you don't like it kindly fuck off to another thread instead of whining like a bitch on this one.

Pointless then.

I wouldn't go that far at all. What I expect will happen is that certain genres of game continue to include crappy virtual controls on the touchscreen, but will play much better with the proper hardware. And the developers will be well aware that the casual/mobile equivalent of hardcore gamers will get themselves a hardware controller.
I wouldn't go that far at all. What I expect will happen is that certain genres of game continue to include crappy virtual controls on the touchscreen, but will play much better with the proper hardware. And the developers will be well aware that the casual/mobile equivalent of hardcore gamers will get themselves a hardware controller.

Well, I hope you're right, but I have my doubts. Better mobile gaming on IOS benefits everyone as it'll cause Android to up its game too
It's well ugly and takes out the main selling point of the console (shitty to begin with), but I'd feel tempted to pick one to play with Korg DS-10 and M01D again :D
Compared to 500 million Apple ID users or the billion or so Android users? You're an idiot if you can't see that 40 million of a dying paradigm is shit.
Good piece on Nintendos demise:

“To quote my six year old daughter, barely looking up from her iPad: ‘What’s a Nintendo?’”

And also this:

A kid asking “What’s a Nintendo?” may sound preposterous to the ears of an adult weaned on Mario and Zelda, but trust me, put an iPad Mini and a 3DS on a table next to each other, and most kids today will reach, if not jump, for the iPad. If you don’t see that as an existential threat for Nintendo, there’s nothing I can say that will change your mind. A Nintendo that doesn’t make games for iOS is a Nintendo that doesn’t reach today’s kids; a Nintendo that doesn’t reach today’s kids is a Nintendo with no future.

Yup. This is why some people (who's opinion I generally respect but not on this issue) are basically 30 somethings sticking their nostalgic heads in the sand.

Full article here.
I'm not sure that's true. I'd much rather give my son a 2ds than an iPad. People may not want to carry more than 1 device but you're not carrying it, your kid is. And an iPad is 600 quid or whatever. No way am I giving that to a 3 year old (and we don't have one).

And his kid might not know who Nintendo are but that's his fault. Mine does. We have a Mario quiz every night before he goes to bed. :oops:
In other anecdotal evidence, my 6 year old son and all of his friends all love Pokemon and Mario. So?

All these 'Apple advocates' (which is just another term for fanbois) and their tech blogs damning Nintendo, they ALL want Nintendo games on iOS. If that doesn't prove the rock-solid demand for Nintendo's quality games and beloved franchises, I don't know what does. Hell, wouldn't you all rather be playing Animal crossing or Pokemon, rather than 4-pictures-one word, os whatever free to play (lot to pay) shit is in vogue this week? Admit it. :D
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I've love Nintendo to return to their glory years rather than another tired rehash of Mario Kart. I'd love nothing more than Nintendo to put their considerable creative talents to use on ALL MOBILE PLATFORMS thus ensuring their brand of gaming (or at least what they used to be) survives in the coming mobile computing age.

I'm not harsh on Nintendo out of some brand loyalty (I've owned more Nintendo products than any other company), I just read the numbers, the projections, look at what I see people using (I remember a time I'd see people playing a DS on the tube all the time, not anymore, not even kids) and draw the best conclusions I can.

I'm not burying my head in the sand unlike some of the gamers on here is all...hard truth but there it is...
I'm not sure that's true. I'd much rather give my son a 2ds than an iPad. People may not want to carry more than 1 device but you're not carrying it, your kid is. And an iPad is 600 quid or whatever. No way am I giving that to a 3 year old (and we don't have one).

And his kid might not know who Nintendo are but that's his fault. Mine does. We have a Mario quiz every night before he goes to bed. :oops:

You can get an ipad for just over 300 quid and I'd have no problem given one to my kids if I had them at any age they could reasonably use them.
I don't need the 3D part of the 3DS, and I definitely want to get hold of Pokemon X/Y, so I would happily buy a 2D version of the 3DS, particularly if it was a fair sight cheaper and had a better battery life. But it has to be clamshell so that I can put it in my jacket pocket. This non-clamshell version is useless to me.
I'm not sure that's true. I'd much rather give my son a 2ds than an iPad. People may not want to carry more than 1 device but you're not carrying it, your kid is. And an iPad is 600 quid or whatever. No way am I giving that to a 3 year old (and we don't have one).

And his kid might not know who Nintendo are but that's his fault. Mine does. We have a Mario quiz every night before he goes to bed. :oops:

In other anecdotal evidence, my 6 year old son and all of his friends all love Pokemon and Mario. So?

All these 'Apple advocates' (which is just another term for fanbois) and their tech blogs damning Nintendo, they ALL want Nintendo games on iOS. If that doesn't prove the rock-solid demand for Nintendo's quality games and beloved franchises, I don't know what does. Hell, wouldn't you all rather be playing Animal crossing or Pokemon, rather than 4-pictures-one word, os whatever free to play (lot to pay) shit is in vogue this week? Admit it. :D

this. Also, regardless of the anecdote posted in that article above kids do what nintentos. I have tons of my own anecdotes to back it up.
I do play games on my Android pad. However, I have over 200 hours sunk into Pokemon Black 2 alone on the DS. Nothing produced to date on any tablet could possibly get close to that. £100 for a DS + £30 for the game means that Black 2 is heading rapidly towards the 50p per hour mark even if I just bought the DS for that single game alone. Then you add in the 200+ hours on Advance Wars 2, and the hundreds of hours on various other games and you get to the conclusion that the NDS is a seriously good value bit of entertainment in its own right.
The Guardian seems enthusiastic.
In a market about to present cutting-edge new consoles that are, as at some pixellated, entertainment industry weigh-in, pushing their bulky hardware credentials in each others faces, it's refreshing that videogaming can still find time for innovation amid the undercard.

The 2DS, then, is at the very opposite end of the spectrum to PS4 and Xbox One: cheap, unsophisticated and kid-friendly. A "my first games console" for a new generation, if you will.

But these very basic aesthetics should not act as a deterrent to the new hardware. The 2DS boasts all the technological advancements of the 3DS. It includes the online functionality, the inbuilt software plays both DS and 3DS games....

Although 3DS has recovered to some degree – it has been the best-selling UK games console over the last three months, due to some wonderful software – it is far from matching the mass-market success of the original DS, which appealed to Mum, Granddad and young children.

And this is exactly the audience they are looking for when 2DS launches on 12 October. It's an offbeat, budget-priced console for a broad market.

And while the big boys slug it out for the big purse, Nintendo may well have the winner come Christmas.
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