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My favourite browser based photo editor: Edit Photo


So I've been on the move a fair bit recently and have been updating various websites on my Chromebook and have decided on my #1 browser based image editor - Edit Photo

It doesn't have the full power of Photopea but it's super fast and comes with zero ads, tracking, pop ups or demand for registration, and also comes with social media templates and you can even embed it on your own site.

Its ruddy marvellous and totally free!
"No popups to close. No ads to ignore. No cookies to accept. No account to create. 100% Free ✨"
So I've been on the move a fair bit recently and have been updating various websites on my Chromebook and have decided on my #1 browser based image editor - Edit Photo

It doesn't have the full power of Photopea but it's super fast and comes with zero ads, tracking, pop ups or demand for registration, and also comes with social media templates and you can even embed it on your own site.

Its ruddy marvellous and totally free!

Sounds great.
"No popups to close. No ads to ignore. No cookies to accept. No account to create. 100% Free ✨"

Sounds great.
I often need to screengrab images for Brixton Buzz and the resize them. The built in Chromebook editor worked fine but was exporting absolutely HUGE JPGs so I spent ages trying to find something better that didn't involve swatting away pop ups or signing up for things.

Now I use the screengrab tool in Chrome and I just paste the image into Edit Photo, resize, and export at the compression level of my choice. Brilliant app!
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