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Music and Related Cultural History Thread

Monkeygrinder's Organ

Dodgy geezer swilling vapid lager
Thought this might be worth a go, as I love a bit of musical history (and am getting old enough that my early musical memories could just about count). A place for articles/podcasts/other media people come across.

Prompted by Smokeandsteam posting about this podcast which I'd previously struggled to find somewhere to post: At The Mermaid - an oral history of the Mermaid pub in Birmingham in the 80s, home of Napalm Death amongst others. Highly recommended.

Also found out recently this blog is still going: History is made at night - lots of stuff about all sorts of partying history here.

So yeah, anything along those lines - post it here. ;)
Feels like there's been a few dance history books out recently, like this which I have read:
And this which I haven't:
Good stuff Monkeygrinder's Organ - you will be interested in the subcultures network:

Finally, not the UK (or free sadly), but this is good on Detroit exploring music, place and politics among the deindustrialisation of the city:

I'll post more stuff up on here when I get more time.
This means a lot to me, as if I had to offer a favourite genre or sub-genre (if indeed it is one) of music it would be this - the whole post-Beefheart, post-Fall group of angular, discordant and spiky, mostly UK bands - which I don't think has ever really been collated. Andy Moor is very much in the centre of it, and whilst it's largely a playlist, he does a good job of telling its history.

I was going to recommend the Roman rave documentary Roma Illegale, but looking around it seems to have vanished from the internet. So I'd still recommend it, but no idea how you'd watch it now. Go to Rome and ask a bunch of Romans until you get the party line and then ring it after ten, I suppose.
I listen to a lot of podcasts about the history of musical figures. Currently waiting for final episode of this one on Nina Simone:

Available on all platforms included the soon to be defunct Google Podcasts - I think I'm the only person I know who uses it. Shame 😭. Although maybe I'm missing the mark and the thread is more about dance music/raves?
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This might be of interest to anyone who was around the late 70s Manchester punk scene. Also, the photo below contains three of my old mates. The lad on the right who looks like he's playing air guitar was my best mate for many years but sadly died about 25 years ago.
Booze, Blood and Noise: The Violent Roots of Manchester Punk
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