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Reno said:
The the one scene I had a real problem with was the inter cutting between the sex scene and the last flashback to the kidnapping. Apart from that the sex Eric Bana has with his wife could be straight out of Flashdance, with all the sweat flying everywhere, the juxtaposition with the murders just struck me as tasteless.

that was awful.
For an intelligent film that deals (in my view) with racism, immigration, terrorism and the war on terror, and suicide attacks, I recommend Michael Haneke's new film, Hidden (best director award at Cannes).
London_Calling said:
Saw the trailer. Within 5 seconds Golda Meir is saying "every civilisation" talking about her country . . . 5 seconds in, and already Israel is a "civilisation".


But the making of those comments by Meir is historically accurate.
Johnny Canuck2 said:
But the making of those comments by Meir is historically accurate.
Not so.

A very informative interview with Spielberg about Munich:

SPIEGEL: In "Munich," you have Golda Meir say that every civilization finds it necessary to "negotiate compromises with its own values" in extreme cases. This sentence is central to your film.

Spielberg: Right.

And, Neal Ascherson in The Observer says:

"What appals Spielberg, as an American, is clearly the moral unilateralism he finds in Israel. Near the beginning of the film, as Avner is given his orders, he makes Golda Meir say: 'Every civilisation finds it necessary to negotiate compromises with its own values.'"

But if you have a cite, I'm willing to look at it.
reNnIe said:
the scene at the end where the guy is shagging his wife was just too much.


Yeah, I thought that was a shockingly tacky scene, though I enjoyed the film as a whole.
Something that I noticed when watching it that I've just remembered: When Avner is getting his first briefing from his handler (Geoffrey Rush) they are walking along a busy seafront and talking quite loudly about killing 11 people, and later on in Rome the assassins celebrate quite openly about their successful job in a public square. I found this to be a quite a striking metaphor for the openness with which Israel kills Palestinians without seeming to worry about anyone knowing or caring.
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