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retail therapist
I saw a preview of this last night & found it v.disappointing. Excellent subject matter and very interesting story - huge potential but it was almost 3 hours long & I think if they'd kept it to 2 hours it would have made a much better film - the last 45 minutes was complete drivellous muck.

Alot of the people in the cinema were asleep...there were lots of parts near the end when everyone would give a big sigh, shift in their seats getting ready to leave only to realise there was yet another scene!

I didn't get the whole thing about his father either...who was his father & why was he in jail?

Was he supposed to be portrayed as a hero? I know in reality he was perceievd as a hero but I didn't think the film tried to do that, whereas my bf did. I thought it quite plainly illustrated the futility of his actions, Israel thought he was a hero, but he had to live in exile, in fear of his life and got no thanks for it whatsoever - plus the realisation that for every person he killed, there would be a replacement - so it was a waste of time & life.

would be v.interested to see what other people thought of it...
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