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MUD (time to git gud)


Well-Known Member
I have (re)discovered text based role playing MUDs and am making my way through the quests in Alter Aeon, so just looking for some tips n tricks (general stuff welcome - doesnt have to be specific to AA)

in particular preset commands .... in AA (not sure if its all MUDs) you can programme an Alias (list of commands to execute upon typing 1 keyword - and/or can be bound to an F-key too)
so I thought, in heat of battle, it might be handy to have alias that does something like:
cast spell to weaken enemy + sucker punch + hit + hit + hit
or when i see an enemy coming , maybe:
un-wear some items , put on big armour , best weapon , cast buff spell ,
get potion from bag + drink potion
(already got this one on a Func-key so I can do it quickly if health dropping in a fight)

Have found that I can put a bag into a bag as a way of holding LOTs of stuff, but gets tricky when I want something quickly.
Also I can have a few items with same name (eg pouches) and reference them uniquely but reference them as 1.bag , 2.bag etc
And i can reference / move things by saying putting 'all.' in front of name, eg put all.potions into 2.bag

any other tips n tricks ? is it worth talking to everyone on the chat channels ? is it poor form to ask experts for free stuff? whats best modifiers for a Fighter? Should I go for stuff that has good dam-roll over AC for example?
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