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Missing toddler, Central Brixton

My guess is that it's a case of "But I thought he was with you!" from a couple doing the weekly shop who've gone to different shops, or there is a slumbering knackered parent who yesterday had a child who couldn't open the front door, but who could this morning.
So it's really the parent that's missing, not the child?
Yup. The policeman who is going door to door asking if anyone's lost a toddler was quite judgemental, but twenty years ago, Death Metal Magpie snuck out of a door that he couldn't open one day, and could the next. I didn't notice he was gone for 15 minutes and he'd headed straight for the middle of a busy road junction.
My little brother did that when he was a toddler. We found him a couple of hundred meters away, fortunately he'd been stopped by some randomer from going on the road and they waved over when they saw my frantic mother.
Yup. The policeman who is going door to door asking if anyone's lost a toddler was quite judgemental, but twenty years ago, Death Metal Magpie snuck out of a door that he couldn't open one day, and could the next. I didn't notice he was gone for 15 minutes and he'd headed straight for the middle of a busy road junction.

Mr. QofG's once escaped from a fenced in garden when he was little by climbing over the lowish - but still taller than him at the time - fence! His dad, who was in the garden with him, hadn't noticed!! They found him making his way to the local sweet shop!
Pip made her way a few hundred yards up Brixton Road having escaped from a shop (automatic opening doors) before I noticed she wasn't trailing along behind me. She was about three. I was well pissed off with the security guard at the door who just let her leave on her own :mad: he said it wasn't his problem :mad:
How awful for the parents. Coincidentally I had a dream last night that my toddler when missing after I left him in his pushchair alone for a second at the Corpus Christi playgroup. It was scary.
My daughter escaped through an open gate when she was a toddler, and headed off up the road pushing a buggy with another toddler in it! Luckily, they were stopped by someone and brought back very quickly. I didn't notice until they were brought back.

So I will not be judgemental about toddlers wandering off.
My guess is that it's a case of "But I thought he was with you!" from a couple doing the weekly shop who've gone to different shops, or there is a slumbering knackered parent who yesterday had a child who couldn't open the front door, but who could this morning.
Oh God this happened with James - fortunately the road was a quiet one - he was over the other side in about 20 seconds and I'd only turned my head for about a minute. The second time he got out it was because the lock was broken on our door. That was more scary as we lived near a main road that was v busy, but fortunately he didn't get that far!

Also found a toddler in my garden in Bramley once.. no one even noticed he'd gone missing!
My Mum went completely frantic after coming out of a shop and discovering her beloved grandson in his pushchair was not outside. What she'd forgotten was is that she hadn't taken him with her and he was safe at home with his Mum.
I cleaned for someone who left their baby at home and were half way to Wales before they remembered. Couldn't manage that level of forgetfulness I think though!
My Mum left me outside the post office once in my pram and when she came out she found that another toddler had picked me up and thrown me on the floor on my head! :eek: This has passed into family folklore as "explains a lot about Ms T's intellectual capacities". :(:mad:
I cleaned for someone who left their baby at home and were half way to Wales before they remembered. Couldn't manage that level of forgetfulness I think though!

I forgot to go and collect son from school one day, which isn't quite so bad. At least the school phoned me to ask where I was :facepalm:

Hope they've been reunited by now!
I nearly forgot my phone charger this morning. We'd only got down the drive though. /true story]

I'm guessing the missing parents have now been found?
I once sneaked out of the back garden and got about half a mile away before my parents tracked me down. They had about 6 lots of neighbours out searching for me and had already called the police. Twenty-eight years old, I was.
My parents and grandparents spent a frantic hour searching for my then toddler brother in the ditches and fields around the grandparents' house. He was asleep under the kitchen sink. /anti-missing child story]
I got left and lost in Blackpool once. I've been recreating the scene on a regular basis ever since, aided by alcohol
I cleaned for someone who left their baby at home and were half way to Wales before they remembered. Couldn't manage that level of forgetfulness I think though!

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