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Men's marathon


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The last event, same course as the women's event I think. I don't see GB getting anywhere near the top 10 tbh, the favourite non-East African is 140/1. :D

Current forecast is 25C
Going to start in an hour. I will be watching out for independent athlete Guor Marial who's personal best is six minutes more than the Olympic record.
Getting myself over to Cannon Street/ Queen Victoria street shortly to have a look. Can't see it being a fast time, though, due to the warm weather - wouldn't be surprised if a few pull up lame.
Big surge there. Don't really understand the marathon too much (other than the obvious :p) but that seems... bold, to say the least.
I'm at the junction of Friday St and Queen Victoria St which is a great place to watch as the tail enders on one lap come through in one direction then you can turn round and watch the leaders come through on the next lap. Great crowd, a band playing, it is bloody hot though, some of the runners look like they're struggling but each one getting a huge cheer.
Greek runner just came through, huge cheer, massive smile on his face, high fiving the people lining the crowd barriers, great stuff.
I missed the interview :(

Saw the last 3 miles or so, he looked rather chuffed with himself :cool: (I like watching the expressions of the gold medalists, they just eminate pure joy)
Top marks to the East Timor bloke as well. He was at the back but giving the thumbs up to the crowd after only four miles and was still at the back 16 miles later and getting huge cheers. Greek bloke also near the back waving to the crowd. GB lads seemed to hugging the kerb to soak up the almighty roar they were getting. Was struck by how many relatively short runners there seemed to be. Only found out when I got home that the Ugandan bloke won it - he was tight behind two Kenyans when I saw him at 20 miles. Hot weather and the relatively late start can't have been easy (the London marathon is at a colder time of year and starts an hour earlier).
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