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Mean Fiddler or Mother Fuckers - Cheeky Spamming C-nts

From The Register article:

We also spoke to a Glastonbury spokesperson who claimed that an apology had been sent out to all those people targeted by the email. The statement said:

You were sent an email about Latitude festival 2007, which should not have happened. For this, we unreservedly apologise. It will not happen again.

We would emphasise that Glastonbury festival takes the issue of Data Protection and the privacy of those who registered with us extremely seriously. Your personal details have not been sold on to anyone else and will not be passed on to anyone else. As agreed during the registration process, all details collected during registration will be destroyed a month after the festival.

We are sorry for the inconvenience we have caused.

Glastonbury Festivals Ltd.

I registered but didn't buy a ticket in the end. I got the Latitude spam, but haven't received this follow up mail from GFL. Thought it was a bit out of order. Hope Seetickets at least get their wristst slapped over DPA issues.
hiccup said:
From The Register article:

I registered but didn't buy a ticket in the end. I got the Latitude spam, but haven't received this follow up mail from GFL. Thought it was a bit out of order. Hope Seetickets at least get their wristst slapped over DPA issues.

It seems the only people who have received an apology are those who have complained directly :mad:
How far does glasto have to go down the pan before you give up on it?

When they want to put an RID chip in your neck?

A barcode on your forehead?

Restrict tickets to those with no criminal record?

How far does it have to go?

Wake up!

well I took a stand of sorts and decided I wasn't going to glastonbury this year. The faff, inflexibility and ID issues combined with the feeling of wanting a change of scene. Bestival captured my interest in the year off, and I seem to have managed to convnice a bunch of friends to do that instead :D

I did however register (just in case i changed my mind last minute) and did get one of those spamming emails which I wasn't too happy about either.. :mad:
Infoman has posted the following on TOS this evening:-
At the Festival meeting this evening Melvin was very insistant that firstly he had wanted a notice to say that data would be destroyed and would not be used by other parties, and also he had asked that date of birth was not included on the registration form. Both of these happened.

He then went on to say that "Someone had changed the agreed wording" of the email that went out about Latitude - that it was originally a personal message from Michael as a favour to Melvin, and was (inexplicably) changed to be coming from Latitude, via SeeTickets. It was asked if an apology should be sent out to all (not just to those who complained of receiving the spam). This was agreed.
Hopefully that's the end of the matter.
So the prowar, antiabortion clear channels has my details and has already used other peoples details for comercial gain against the agreement we signed with them.

But over on the official site they are falling all over themselves to congratulate themselves on how ethical they are.
I got such an e-mail too. Was a bit miffed that they were contacting me over non-Glasto related stuff, but didn't realise it was a Mean Fiddler festival. Anyway, a bit late for me to complain, and I will only be arsed if they do it again.
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