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Es gibt Zeit
Could somebody tell me what it is all about? I have read the wikipedia page and that is the extent of my knowledge (found by reading about the IWW in Australia).

I would like to hear more about how it actually worked out in the real world (not that great I gather!).

They sound vaguely interesting from the vague things I know.

Check out: Reform or Revolution?

Capitalism can't be reformed into something else; the working-class must overthrow capitalism, and they must understand what they want to replace it with before they can achieve it.
And furthermore that they must be organised both industrially and politically. He was a kind of syndicalist.
It's just the dogmatic reading of marx by the cult leader Daniel De leon, after he failed to take over/split the IWW. The content of the politics is basically the IWW's industrial union strategy but with no real life content. Then SLP produced some interesting literature though.
For a further view.

by Daniel DeLeon


This is quiet up to date.

''' A flood of ignorance is pouring out of the papers regarding the slaughter of the Negroes in New Orleans by the mob.

Various explanations are given, all silly, and many “remedies” are suggested, each one vying with the other in craziness.

The war in New Orleans is not between black and white. It is a war between workingmen, and the prize they battle for is a “job"; and that job means the same to them as the carcass of the animal, over which two savages fight, means to the savage: life or death. '''

RACE RIOTS...by Daniel DeLeon
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