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Make the English football team take the train


je suis teuchter
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we were very happy when the French men’s football team announced that they plan to take the train to all their domestic matches which can be reached in under three hours by rail. This is fantastic news and shows that it is possible for sports teams to use more sustainable transport to travel to their games.

Now we want the English Football Association to take the opportunity presented by next year’s European Football Championships in Germany and match the French team’s pledge to travel by train.

We’ve written to England manager Gareth Southgate and the English FA to ask them to match the French Football Federation’s commitment and set an example to other teams and to football fans around the world.

As we know, football fans are particularly prone to following the crowd rather than making their own decisions so this would be a good way of persuading some of them to stop destroying the planet by flying everywhere all the time.
It depends on the squad and on the EPL table at the time.

International football is only important or interesting in the context of club football: whose players will be worn out in some pointless amateur contest between ill-shaped teams?

When my main concern was preserving Kane’s ankles, I would definitely have signed up for a petition to make the whole team travel uncomfortably, perhaps as overnight freight, and hopefully crash out as soon as possible.

But as Man City and Woolwich will be heavily over-represented this year, I’d likely be in favour of England going all the way to an exhausting loss in the final, and if that mandates private planes then so be it.

Anyway, not sure that forum-specific trolls showcase your art as well as the ones that target everyone. There is still plenty of mileage in socks.
It depends on the squad and on the EPL table at the time.

International football is only important or interesting in the context of club football: whose players will be worn out in some pointless amateur contest between ill-shaped teams?

When my main concern was preserving Kane’s ankles, I would definitely have signed up for a petition to make the whole team travel uncomfortably, perhaps as overnight freight, and hopefully crash out as soon as possible.

But as Man City and Woolwich will be heavily over-represented this year, I’d likely be in favour of England going all the way to an exhausting loss in the final, and if that mandates private planes then so be it.

Anyway, not sure that forum-specific trolls showcase your art as well as the ones that target everyone. There is still plenty of mileage in socks.
Sorry, I have no idea what any of this means.
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