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Help MacBook Pro Crashing and I don't know why.

I don’t. I held off for a while in case there were problems, but I’ve not seen much reported in the press. I’m not sure there are huge amounts of benefits, I got the impression it was more to optimise the oS for the new silicon
They called me this morning and basically asked me to run the tests mentioned already.
They can't help me further unless I decided to upgrade to the new OS and from there the new version of Logic Pro. I'm not mad keen on that until I have finished working on my current projects. . . but I guess I should at some point as my OS is fast becoming obsolete.
Even though it has been more stable, it has blinked out a couple of times in Logic Pro.
Worst though, it vanished today while I was just remote controlling another computer over the internet. Should not have been taxing at all.
The apple support help desk say I need to upgrade to Monterey and to the latest version of Logic Pro to get any official support. I have read that beyond Logic version 10.6.3 it is performing very badly and also that Monterey is a pile of shit.

The only other option I was given was to reinstall Catalina 10.15.7 over the top of itself again. The lady on the phone said there is always a chance it has been corrupted.
Does this sound sensible?
Is it easy to do?
Do I have to back everything up?
How do I back everything up?
I've been lucky with my iCloud back-ups working, but I also make sure I back up to an external disk with TimeMachine
I've never used time machine, but I don't really store anything other than actual apps on my computer. It's all on external drives.
. . . which is probably dangerous too.
Still doing it now and then.

It's not the Bluetooth (which I thought at one point because the mouse would freeze 30 seconds prior and sometimes not come back after rebooting). . . because it's happened when nothing is connected

It's not the power cable from the Thunderbolt Monitor, because it's happened when it is just the laptop operating.
(though could it be at the mag safe connection? I'd have to run the laptop off batteries until it happened to rule that out).

It's not logic X, because sometimes that runs fine, and sometimes it doesn't. It blinks off when I am not running Logic X too.

Internal tests say it's not the fan (though it never seems to be running when the laptop blinks out).

I'm never overloading the laptop when it blinks out. It never seems to be doing anything out of the ordinary.
Could be a lot of things to be honest.
My colleague had to upgrade to "Monetary advantage for apple" last year as catalina was playing up big time on his very recent macbook.
He lost his collection of waves plugins, and I now can't open his logic pro (not X anymore) projects as they are not backward compatible with my older version so it makes collaborating a real mess.

Came here today because my 2012 macbook pro did overheat badly the last couple of days and then failed to start until it had cooled down at least twice in the past 2 days.
Got worried the fan had died but it's working fine when I checked with macs fan control so am thinking it might need some new thermal paste.
Well I haven't done anything, downloaded anything new, changed any settings or started using any different software. . . but it just hasn't crashed now for at least a week.

What's all that about? It's like it was sick, but got better.
Could be a lot of things to be honest.
My colleague had to upgrade to "Monetary advantage for apple" last year as catalina was playing up big time on his very recent macbook.
He lost his collection of waves plugins, and I now can't open his logic pro (not X anymore) projects as they are not backward compatible with my older version so it makes collaborating a real mess.

Came here today because my 2012 macbook pro did overheat badly the last couple of days and then failed to start until it had cooled down at least twice in the past 2 days.
Got worried the fan had died but it's working fine when I checked with macs fan control so am thinking it might need some new thermal paste.
now worked out that the damage is done and I likely need a new logic board in there, annoying but still cheaper than a modern one, gonna have to go and ask questions on mac forums first though.
That's sad news.
My happy news is that despite the hot weather and doing nothing whatsoever to resolve my crashes, my mac now continues to behave. Mental.
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