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Low light photographs .. ideas please


Well-Known Member
I have to take some low light photographs for homework..

I wanted to use something I had prepared earlier but that is apparently not acceptable.

One person is doing light trails on a motorway, so I shouldn't copy them, I like the idea and have done that in the past, but they got there first.

So simple ideas for low light photographs please, what do you think?
How about in a moving vehicle and the lights outside are blurred?
If you're allowed to comp two shots, have the dash of the car sharp and everything through the windscreen blurry.
How about in a moving vehicle and the lights outside are blurred?
If you're allowed to comp two shots, have the dash of the car sharp and everything through the windscreen blurry.
Hi Nivag, that is certainly an idea … and actually I love blur so there are blurry things I can do with lights at night also. Thanks.

If I had been thinking about this I could have had a go at fireworks also … stupid of me not to have thought of it. I recently saw someone make really interesting fireworks pictures by moving their lens from being in focus to out of focus as the fireworks moved through the sky, the effect in the images was quite spectacular.
So, you ask for "simple" ideas. I suggest "star trails" (being almost the simplest low-light photograph you can take) and you counter with:

Why make things simple, eh?
That was simple though, wasn't it? I had to stop the bridge lights from blowing out which was why I ended up with lots of images.

Are you meaning just point the camera at the stars and leave the shutter open?
Are you meaning just point the camera at the stars and leave the shutter open?


There is a certain amount of skill in choosing the right film speed, aperture, lens, location, weather conditions, exposure length.

But, essentially, yes that's all you have to do.

There is a certain amount of skill in choosing the right film speed, aperture, lens, location, weather conditions, exposure length.

But, essentially, yes that's all you have to do.
I will have a think about settings then … it is cloudy tonight
Didn’t know what a low light photograph was... but I really love both of those images. Of the Seven Bridge, but especially the wet green and greys, the strange intimate night time of your image Chilli.s. Love it. It’s like being underwater. And I can smell that wet London pavement. Really love it.

Any more?
Years ago I did night time photography. I'd use ISO 1600 pushed a bit, and long exposures, sometimes up to 15 minutes. Gives a lovrly graininess. I assume you're going digital, but the same rule would apply. Long exposure, high ISO setting.
One of my favourite low light pictures was a bus going past really fast late at night on an otherwise empty road. All the light trails made for a cool picture.
Nice. Mine was speeding I think.

Also when I was out in the countryside at night it was quite fun finding electrical cables/pylons against the sky. Probably important to point out that I just make it up as I go along.

Good luck with your course. What course are you doing?
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