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Looks like I'll be moving to Wales.


Me and me girl named Jane

Gedorf my land!

Rwy'n edrych ymlaen yn fawr :)
Five years in Aberystwyth. Great place. If my ward hadn’t closed i’d have stayed.
Still plan to do this some day. Was within a whisker a few years back but it didn’t quite happen.
:D Not quite but I think we may fall under @The Borough of...'

There are some locals who deny the signs and claim they live on the edge of the Cheshire plain. ;)
Remember being told Chester FC's newish ground has its car park in Wales or similar it's that far out.
Remember being told Chester FC's newish ground has its car park in Wales or similar it's that far out.
The rumour was, half the ground was in Wales so they could play in the Welsh cup. It is built bang on the border though I think.

I'll be about 4 miles over the boarder :)
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