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Looking for a reputable SIA licence course in London.

My OH is interested in doing an SIA licence course again, but a search shows a bewildering array of dodgy-looking sites that he plain does not trust.

He did a course before but too long ago to get a straightfordward renewal, so has to start again from scratch.

He's currently working so can't do the free ones offered by the government, and they also include the Skills For Work element which drags out the course length.

Are there any London-based SIA security folk here who can personally recommend a good course provider to us?
Assuming it's for the door supervisor course? A few people I know have done it and so long you get the license I wouldn't care that much as it seems like they're all a bit of a joke content-wise.
So you're saying as long as he gets one it doesn't matter? But it's not the licence itself that we're worried about, it's where to get it from.

Anyone here have any direct personal experience of a course in London?
If you get the license it doesn't matter afaik, nobody cares where you get it so long it's from an approved provider I think. Are you thinking some are scams? Go from the SIA website and look at their approved list?

My friend did this course. She recommends it.

Purely for context she’s a 60+ gay woman of colour and has been involved in the club scene since the 80s. Both as a promoter and a clubber. So if she approves I would say you’re probably on to a good one.

Obviously it depends on who is running the course, I’m sure there is scope for being unlucky and getting some meathead.

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I don't know if he's being too over cautious or not, I haven't seen the sites he's looked at myself, he just says some of them look a bit sketchy so I said I'll ask the good folks at Urban him.

I've sent him the link to this thread so he can check out everyone's replies himself on his phone.
My friend did this course. She recommends it.

Purely for context she’s a 60+ gay woman of colour and has been involved in the club scene since the 80s. Both as a promoter and a clubber. So if she approves I would say you’re probably on to a good one.

Obviously it depends on who is running the course, I’m sure there is scope for being unlucky and getting some meathead.

Many thanks, Spitfire, that looks like a good one to me, at least. And interesting to hear about your friend, too, she sounds really cool!

But let's see if this one meets with His Nibs's approval... :)
Many thanks, Spitfire, that looks like a good one to me, at least. And interesting to hear about your friend, too, she sounds really cool!

But let's see if this one meets with His Nibs's approval...

No worries. I just added the background info to demonstrate that it looks like an inclusive environment which in the SIA world is very important.

She is a fucking legend though tbh. :D
No worries. I just added the background info to demonstrate that it looks like an inclusive environment which in the SIA world is very important.

She is a fucking legend though tbh. :D
Yup - he definitely likes the look of that site and sends his heartfelt thanks. Thank you! We shall check this one out further.... :)
Brilliant. Hope it all works out well.

My friend said that a good second step after the initial SIA is doing the CCTV course. Moar money less risk.
Oh that’s great. Wish him the best of luck. Glad I could help. Hopefully turns out to be a good recommendation. 😬
SIA is virtually impossible to fail I passed!
the issue is finding a decent employer a lot of private security firms are somewhat walter mitty outfits
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