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late check out accom, amsterdam?


Member of The Underground.
anyone know of such places?

I am going to a gig in august and prob won't get back til 5am and might want a bit of a snooze.

any recommendations?
have had a brief look on there but unsure of numbers at the mo and want a plan b if I end up solo-ing it.
yeah, I guess that could be an option, might try that if I go with a hostel.
can you book yourself into a Spa / Sauna ( non saucy one obvs) where you can doze beside the pool on a recliner ?
ETA, go straight to schipol and have a lie down in the dark recesses of the multi faith worship room
My last visit to Amsterdam was by train (from London). If you did this you would have an hour or two before having to chage in Brussels. Besides, why don't you just travel back, snoozing on the way, whatever the mode of transport.
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