All of a sudden it went from being New Or-leens which is how everybody and their dog pronounced it to New Or-lee-ons.
You've not been paying attention, have you?
Yes, it's dead complicated. The potential for a mammoth fuck-up - some Brit contractor going "oh, you wanted that bit 8 millimetres thick?" - was there.
But now they've got the beam all the way round, and the fuckup hasn't happened, and they've got data out of at least one of the detectors...
It's pronounced N'awlins.
It's pronounced N'awlins.
Cor. And I used to think that a 27Gb database was a biggie.
I wouldn't want to be in charge of the backup media of that little lot, though. No wonder it cost £5bn - most of that will be tape cartridges.
They are going to back up all this data, aren't they?
What shall we do with a drunken sailor?But what if there's a placebo effect, and the Higgs Bosun shows up at Temple station at 4am?
'Satan's Stargate to Earth'
Genius. Just seen it on the C4+1 News.Every now and again an idiot website comes out with a gem.
Don't forget, they need to build a third one, and just not accelerate any protons through it. Got to have a control and all.
Fermilab is famous for a lot of science stuff, but best of all in the prairie above the Tevatron ring, they have a herd of buffalo. Cynics thought they were a sort of canary in the mine, to warn of radiation leaks. But the boffins said no, they had splashed out on real Geiger counters."Race for 'God particle' heats up"
Apparently there is a Tevatron accelerator in Illinois potentially taking advantage of the breakdown of the LHC.
Never heard of it til now
I love conspiranoids! Why carry a geiger counter around with you when you can have a bison on the other side of hundreds of metres of rock?
Why have I not heard of this Tevatron before? I'm a conspiranoid, I should have known (cos now it's blatent that the yanks sabotaged the LHC and secretly built this one on the snide, which is actually a stargate portal to Orion)
Because there's not been the potential for bullshit stories about it creating a black hole that could destroy Earth.
Yeah, they think I'm Brian Cox
Might as well cancel all my direct debits and live it up in the few days we have left then