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we move
Two of my students - a couple - are applying for university and want to move away from their respective estranged families. Her mum in particular could present a problem as she doesn't want her to go to uni as she's very controlling.

Consequently they won't in all likelihood have a guarantor for anywhere they might live. Student Halls wouldn't be appropriate as they'd want to live as a couple, they're 21 and 20, etc.

What are their options without a guarantor? Are they simply limited in terms of where they can go?

Two of my students - a couple - are applying for university and want to move away from their respective estranged families. Her mum in particular could present a problem as she doesn't want her to go to uni as she's very controlling.

Consequently they won't in all likelihood have a guarantor for anywhere they might live. Student Halls wouldn't be appropriate as they'd want to live as a couple, they're 21 and 20, etc.

What are their options without a guarantor? Are they simply limited in terms of where they can go?

As far as I know there's no options external to kicking up a fuss on the grounds of discrimination internally at the university. Care leavers have recently become a protected class under HE guidance so there may be uni polices to help in situations like this (which is care leaver adjacent, or used to be before the policy change). You may have to speak to senior management as it's the kind of thing marketing and onboarding won't be incentivised to help with, but at least try them first and see where you get.
Also expect severe issues with student finance and be prepared they may have to tell a white lie on the form to get funding (although this might have also changed)
When I went to university at 21 (or maybe 20, I can't remember) I was counted as independent from my parents (to get a full grant without means testing). I think I had to say (not sure I had to prove it) that I had been self sufficient for a year (maybe two).

Hopefully this post is not as unhelpful as it looks now that I read it back.
Two of my students - a couple - are applying for university and want to move away from their respective estranged families. Her mum in particular could present a problem as she doesn't want her to go to uni as she's very controlling.

Consequently they won't in all likelihood have a guarantor for anywhere they might live. Student Halls wouldn't be appropriate as they'd want to live as a couple, they're 21 and 20, etc.

What are their options without a guarantor? Are they simply limited in terms of where they can go?

Not really my area of expertise tbf , but they could contact the local authority of the uni they end up at - they will provide advice and 'signpost' them. The university should also have an accommodation office (and probably have a relationship with local landlords) who can also advise.
When I went to university at 21 (or maybe 20, I can't remember) I was counted as independent from my parents (to get a full grant without means testing). I think I had to say (not sure I had to prove it) that I had been self sufficient for a year (maybe two).

Hopefully this post is not as unhelpful as it looks now that I read it back.
I had to do the same thing but in 1985.
Uni Hardship fund?
Or how about halls and then they can get themselves set up for second year?

If they can get into halls and don't need a guarantor for that, it seems like the simple answer even if not ideal in their eyes. At least they will have their own independent spaces and if things don't work out between them then accommodation is one less thing to worry about.
Might also try any friends already at said Uni, also the Student's Union may have something akin to an accommodation office as well, for help with that.

For finance, there are a very few places that have help with £££, such as bursaries and grants of various sorts.
[at least, there used to be - my OH helps admin one such body, but it is very strictly controlled wrt the area].

Good Luck !
I say estranged as in they will be once they get to Uni.
This is likely to be a serious problem with student finance unless things have changed dramatically in the last 5 years? Student finance won't see them as estranged and the parents will be able to saboutage the application. Obviously accommodation is important but try and get a head start on the SFE paperwork too (assuming you're in England)
I'd also like to add some unsolicited advice that you will rightly find infuriating - there are benefits to them moving into halls and living separately from one another, including easier entitlement to help. Additionally it's common for students who start uni courses as couples to deal with discrimination from academic staff (god knows why, I don't understand it but I've observed it myself and heard it's happened to enough people that its definitely a phenomena).

Living separately might also mean they find it easier to get guarantors - I'd act as a guarantor for a single relative but not a single relative and their partner for example, because it's too risky.

Seperately from all that, I'm under the impression there's guarantor insurance out there - this may help them to convince someone to act as one
Sorry for spamming the thread but also PLEASE make sure they've got their UCAS accounts on lockdown, with strong passwords and 2FA if possible. As well as their email accounts. I've seen applications sabotaged that way too
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