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Lambeth want to sell YOUR swimming pools


drink flounce rinse repeat
(Already posted in General - please sign if you haven't already)

The Lib Dems/Tory council in Lambeth is planning to close both leisure centres in Brixton and in Clapham, in order to sell off this prime land to developers who are probably only interested in building impossibly expensive yuppie flats for people who can afford membership to an exclusive fitness centre.

They are refusing to guarantee to build equivalent facilities - leaving ordinary people in an inner city area without decent cheap swimming pools etc.

Please - please follow the link and sign the petition below to save our pools!

Please forward this to everyone you think can help.


pk - is there one for Brixton as well? That just seems to relate to Clapham - or is the petition going to be used for both? It's just that it doesn't mention Brixton at all.
At the same time though...doesn't the new Tesco's development in Streatham (whenever it gets started) include a new leisure centre and swimming pool?

Obviously not much use to Brixtonians, but I bet Lambeth use that to excuse the actions :rolleyes: This is a very bad move - and lieky ou say seems to indicate that the only lesiure facilities in these areas will be the usual fitness first/holmes place type gyms.
g force said:
At the same time though...doesn't the new Tesco's development in Streatham (whenever it gets started) include a new leisure centre and swimming pool?

Obviously not much use to Brixtonians, but I bet Lambeth use that to excuse the actions :rolleyes: This is a very bad move - and lieky ou say seems to indicate that the only lesiure facilities in these areas will be the usual fitness first/holmes place type gyms.

Does it? I thought they were keeping the skating rink? A swimming pool as well? :confused:
From what I heard from Cllr J Whelan..maybe the plans have changed (again) - Tesco playign hardball with the plans from what I heard, bombarding the council with a team of expesnive lawyers to ge there own way.
well done PK!
If brixton rec goes that would be IT for affordable sports facilities in brixton; end of the road.
g force said:
At the same time though...doesn't the new Tesco's development in Streatham (whenever it gets started) include a new leisure centre and swimming pool?
they (tesco's AND some councillors) are trying VERY hard to weasel on that one.
PieEye said:
pk - is there one for Brixton as well? That just seems to relate to Clapham - or is the petition going to be used for both? It's just that it doesn't mention Brixton at all.


It doesn't mention Brixton - is there one for that rec as well?
Red Jezza said:
they (tesco's AND some councillors) are trying VERY hard to weasel on that one.

I've only heard one side of the argument...but it seems the plans wee fucked from the start - building a pool on top of a supermarket is a supremely shite idea.

There's been planning probs because of water leaking from the pool into the building (Tescos) below, but I also suspect Tesco are trying to go back on theri commitment to the pool (on which the apllication was granted!!). I heard from Cllr J Whelan about them getting an entire legal team involved and bombarding the planning team with requests, asking for new arhciects to be consulted etc.

Like I say...i've only heard one opnion from the Council side, so there's probably a lot more to it.

It's a huge fucking mess right now :(
This rumour about the Rec has been going around for ages now but I haven't seen anything to suggest that it's anything other than a rumour! Is there anything? I will be so gutted if it does close down I'd really like to know the facts ....
corporate whore said:
which ones? name and shame - there's an election in a month..
waiting for solid enough info. don't worry, I ain't gonna be shy.
as acknowledged by those who know me :oops:
PieEye said:

It doesn't mention Brixton - is there one for that rec as well?
the same authority plan to nix both clapham and brixton facilities, but clapham's first on the hitlist.
are you saying they are lying about plans to close these leisure facilities LR? because if the answer to that is no, then your point is irrelevant, as it means the campaign is still valid, and Clapham labour a re simply doing what campaigning local parties SHOULD do.
(and I'd say the same were it a labour council closing facilities and the LibDems fighting it)
Red Jezza said:
are you saying they are lying about plans to close these leisure facilities LR?

I hope you won't mind a few facts. The Executive at its meeting on
the 13th February 2006 resolved the following having considered a
report on Revitalise:

(1) To note the developments and progress made in the programme in the
period October - December 2005.

(2) The Executive restates its commitment to maintain continuity of service
for library and leisure services in Clapham throughout the Revitalise
Programme. The Executive instructs the Chief Executive to write to all
Members of the Council setting out the commitment of both the Executive and
full Council, notwithstanding the fact that some Members voted against it.
The Executive instructs the Chief Executive
to ensure that the communications department is fully appraised of the
council's stated guarantees for the library and the leisure centre. The
Executive agrees to extend the consultation in Clapham to consider the
question of possible alternative future uses such as Community Hub for the
current Clapham Library building once the library has been moved to Clapham
High Street, should option 1,2 or 3 (or a variant of them) be agreed.

The Executive notes that part of the capital programme in the coming years

is to significantly improve leisure facilities within the borough including
in Brixton, Clapham and Streatham. In relation to this, the Executive notes
the determination of the Liberal Democrat and Conservative groups that there
should be continuous swimming pool provision in Clapham, which both groups
voted in favour of at the
Council meeting on the 23rd November 2005.

The Executive further notes that while Labour has tried to misrepresent the
joint administration's position in the last few weeks their position is
unclear. At the Council Meeting on the 23rd November 2005 Labour voted
against continuity of swimming provision in Clapham. However the very same
Labour councillors who rejected continuity of provision in November were
happy at the Brixton Area
Committee on the 18th January 2006 to endorse option one put forward by the
joint administration for the redevelopment of Mary Seacole House site. This
would amongst other things provide a new improved six-lane 25-metre pool, a
sports hall and other community facilities, and allow continuity of

While the Labour Group tries to make up its mind as to whether or not it
would close the Clapham swimming pool the Executive reaffirms its position,
which is very clear. The joint administration will not be closing any of the
borough's leisure facilities, it will be making a significant investment in
them. While Labour failed to invest in the
leisure centres this Executive is committed to:

* Continuing to provide leisure facilities including swimming pools in
Clapham, Brixton and Streatham and to increase leisure provision in Norwood
and North Lambeth;
* Significantly improving the leisure facilities in Clapham, Brixton and
* Ensuring that there is continuity of provision of the leisure facilities
while these are improved.
err right, clear as mud (bloody councilspeak!).
given that LR's 'outed' the petition, how about you now acting in the same spirit by
a) 'outing' your party affiliation,
b) translating that into de-partisanised plain english for us 'umble peasantry.
in other words; does that mean that Lambeth council will categorically not be closing the Brixton Recreation centre or the the Clapham Swimming Pool and Leisure Centre except in the short-term for purposes of refurbishment?
above all, is the Council planning to sell either, or considering that option?
Or have they resolved - unambiguously - to NOT do that?
plain English pur-lease!
yer a proper toff....
<doffs cap>
c'mon MrBC, mebbe YOU can translate for us. just reading cllr's post made me head hurt...
so - what is the TRUE position?
These are what I got from searching the Tory, Labour and Lib Dem manifestos for pool, leisure etc (the Greens haven't published their manifesto yet):

Conservative local manifesto:

"Ensuring continuity of swimming and leisure services in Clapham while improvements are being made."

Labour local manifesto:

"[Lib Dems & Tories] Threaten to demolish all Lambeth’s indoor swimming pools and leisure centres so they can sell off the land to private developers."

LibDem local manifesto:

"In the last year we have been developing plans to take advantage of a number of major development opportunities around the borough which will allow us to upgrade some of our leisure facilities and possibly the libraries. This will allow Lambeth residents to enjoy sports and leisure facilities fit for the 21st century."

Taken from www.electionmemory.com
Bob pops in from a 14 hour day to point out the obvious.

In relation to this, the Executive notes
the determination of the Liberal Democrat and Conservative groups that there
should be continuous swimming pool provision in Clapham, which both groups
voted in favour of at the
Council meeting on the 23rd November 2005.

Err doesn't this kind of shut down the case? Unless you believe they are lying in which case there's nothing they can do to convince you.

Incidentally Jezza if you're willing to believe that anything is true until categorically denied in a language that you approve of then I'd like ot point out that Labour are going to sell lots of school sites off. I have no proof of this whatsoever but:

a) unlike here Labour haven't denied it yet,

b) they have history of doing it when they were last in power in Lambeth (1998-2002) - again unlike here when the Lib Dems have plans to invest more in pools etc.

<bob wonders off to bed>
Is it just me ,or is this whole swimming pool issue about as clear as mud?

I mean, 'continuous swimming provision' in no way means that they aren't going to close down existing provisions, does it?

And we only have to look at the woeful situation at the brand new swimming pool in Peckham pulse, to see that we should be well suspicious of new build 'improved' facilities.
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