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Kezia Dugdale Resignation

I see Sarwar is worth millions thanks to his shareholding in his family company. Here's hoping the prick becomes Labour leader and dooms the branch office.
Guess I'm an idiot. A bit of a giggle rather than something to criticise Labour for. Lots of other material, as you say.
Alex Rowley was her deputy. He becomes caretaker leader. That's not really gossip. He's a Gordon Brown ally, so not really a Corbynite, although he is a union favourite. Neil Findlay is sometimes called a Corbynite, but he backed Dugdale for leadership (so not sure how Corbynite that makes him), and he's ruled himself out anyway.

But that doesn't really address why Dugdale is leaving with immediate effect. Certainly not so Rowley could be caretaker until the leadership contest; that doesn't really make sense.

Neil Findlay is 100% Corbynite. I get his contituency messages. I've also met him a few times.

The first time we met we were discussing fracking, which he opposes. It only took a minute or two to realise that, although he opposes it, he knows little about it.
I see Sarwar is worth millions thanks to his shareholding in his family company. Here's hoping the prick becomes Labour leader and dooms the branch office.

His father's career was murky, to say the least. His employees, who were voters in his constituency, 'encouraged' to use postal votes, which were inspected before being posted.
As there isn't a Katie Hopkins' memorial thread for really stupid libel cases that should have been settled in a couple of weeks instead of lining the pockets of expensive lawyers, I'll just bump this on here.

Some time back in 2016 Kezia Dugdale MSP, at the time Scottish Labour Leader, accused blogger [not MSP see below] Stuart Campbell of homophobia for writing the following tweet about Tory MSP Oliver Mundell after his father, the Scottish Secretary David Mundell, came out as gay:

"Oliver Mundell is the sort of public speaker that makes you wish his dad had embraced his homosexuality sooner.”

The accusation was in the Daily Record and not in the chamber so no immunity.

This gets messy because instead of leaving it to the newspaper to handle someone (Iain McNicol?) decided the Labour Party would fund her defence. That funding has now been cut as the case is due to go to trial and the Daily Record will take over. Cue kerfuffle in the Labour Party.

So instead of a prompt apology and at most a few grand changing hands we have another pay day for m'learned friends. Only this time it seems one party has very deep pockets.

One to watch. :hmm:
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Stuart Campbell is not an MSP. He runs the Wings over Scotland blog.

Interesting letter apparently from the General Secretary regarding Kezia Dugdale's case: (Squawkbox)
Excl: Formby’s letter to MSPs clarifies Dugdale case and commitment

Background mumbling among the troops from various sources collated on Wings over Scotland:
The So Solid Crew

The letter previously mentioned:


I don't know why the Labour Party agreed to fund her in the first place, really. All quite interesting.
Huh, first page of letter eaten by gremlins. For letter, hit the Squawkbox link above or Cutting your losses

I suppose if it goes ahead, Kezia Dugdale will have a high-circulation tabloid supporting her.

Still, she might have been wiser just to stay in that jungle in Australia.
Stuart Campbell is not an MSP. He runs the Wings over Scotland blog.

I don't know why the Labour Party agreed to fund her in the first place, really. All quite interesting.
Oops, thanks for the correction (reference to him as an MSP edited now) and for the links.

It's amazing how easy it is to just nod through spending thousands of other people's money on a vanity projrect.

Since this seems about to impact more than just Scottish Labour I think I'll drop a link into the Jezza thread.
The SNP really need to arrange a shaking of hands between Campbell and Dugdale as she announces her new-found support for independence.
Oops, thanks for the correction (reference to him as an MSP edited now) and for the links.

It's amazing how easy it is to just nod through spending thousands of other people's money on a vanity projrect.

Since this seems about to impact more than just Scottish Labour I think I'll drop a link into the Jezza thread.
How about on on this thread too? Or maybe the hillsborough one?
She’s the ex-leader of a less-than-relevant party, so I’m not up to date on her stated views, but as far as I know they haven’t publicly changed since this confusion a couple of years ago: Kezia Dugdale backtracks after saying "not inconceivable" she would back independence

Less than relevant? Extraordinarily relevant, together with the Conservatives and the Lib Dems. The Greens are bought and paid for by the SNP, that may cost them in 2021. half a dozen seats to other parties, and Sturgeon is fucked, and she knows it, but doesn't have the guts to go again on a referendum.

When the SNP lose power in 2021, that is the independence question settled.
Less than relevant? Extraordinarily relevant, together with the Conservatives and the Lib Dems. The Greens are bought and paid for by the SNP, that may cost them in 2021. half a dozen seats to other parties, and Sturgeon is fucked, and she knows it, but doesn't have the guts to go again on a referendum.

When the SNP lose power in 2021, that is the independence question settled.
Is that tirade in any way related to anything I said?
If there’s a way that both can lose in this that’ll be a satisfactory outcome for me.
I'm not entirely sure why members money (90 odd grand?) has been spunked on this, maybe theres a valid reason for that. A Blairite shite from a party thats still in the anger stage of the grief stages and Wanks over scotland, a hillsboro joke twat who made a living out of his long distance nat blogging tedium. Some day a real rains gonna come....
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