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Kew Gardens and the Treetop walkway

I have been on the walkway several times, but unfortunately I cannot bring my friend who is in a wheelchair, as the lift is not working, surely after nearly 18 months the problem should have been sorted out and accese available to everyone, not only those are "fit and able".
bloody hell - looks like it's been going on for over three years
sort it out, kew :mad:
bloody hell - looks like it's been going on for over three years
sort it out, kew :mad:

and I know it was 1987 that the Princess of Wales Conservatory opened, but what were they thinking? How inaccessible is that for wheelchair users? :mad::mad:

I ended up having to hump wheelchair up and down stairs everywhere in there :mad:

Fair enough with the Palm and Temperate Houses as they were built ages ago, but that was only built in the 80s

My legs are still fucked :(
The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew has a vital role in conserving the diversity of plant life on the planet and providing world-class research scientist in plant life and the impacts of climate change. Kew wide range of life and preserve plant exhibits also makes it a popular tourist attraction that brings joy to many visitors.

What a twee statement just seems to not be true anymore. Expensive and is now just like any other garden with lots of taxpayers money to spend. Go to Wisely instead to see real gardens.

Have they actually got the treetopwalkway lift going yet?
Damn! The last time I knew about the lift it was still under warranty just a problem that it would not ascend correctly and the emergency telephones did not work as planned. Should have been fixed in a couple of months.

I heard one theory that a disabled ramp shoiuld be built, obviously a little crackpot to rise 80m it would need to start about a mile away!

Five years later the facilities management at Kew still seem to be failing even after handing the management of their facilities over to first an American company and now to a French company what on earth are they doing about it?
Err the lift has been operational for a while, and is only temporarily out of order at the moment isn't it?
Some more photos:





Fifty photos of the wonderful Kew Gardens including the Palm House, treetop walkway and amazing plants
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