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JOBS THAT NEVER PREVIOUSLY EXISTED #892: Set Designer For Grifty Arseholes Who Get Sacked & Become Self-Facilitating Media Nodes In Their Garden Shed

I worked at a art gallery where the owner would buy vast quantities of tatty antiquarian books just so we could cut out all the lithographic illustrations to frame and sell on to pub furnishing companies and interior decorators

He still owes me £20 for watering his weed plants and dusting his Dreadzone CDs (true story)
That Darren Grimes character went down that route , started a website when he was first sacked from GBNEWS, some sort of home for free speech 🤔 then managed to get a gig back at GBNEWS so no idea if he is still protecting free speech or the website is still going. Maybe because he was sitting on his hands for the whole fake vicar , failed actor/singer , kiwi free speech warrior thing was going on , so couldn't do anything to protect free speech 🥹
That Darren Grimes character went down that route , started a website when he was first sacked from GBNEWS, some sort of home for free speech 🤔 then managed to get a gig back at GBNEWS so no idea if he is still protecting free speech or the website is still going. Maybe because he was sitting on his hands for the whole fake vicar , failed actor/singer , kiwi free speech warrior thing was going on , so couldn't do anything to protect free speech 🥹
So many silenced free speechers, so many paid-for platforms - what's a grift-enabler to do? 😢
Track Access Manager - on the railways - a lawyer rich feast of process and delays , ditto compliance manager and all that sort of regulatory nonesense that pretend commercialisation and the levels above it in the DfT and certain characters thrive on. About 99% redundant ........but "we are , where we are" - an example , the extension of one simple commuter train in the morning from Beckenham Junction to Bromley South - a simple shunt- required a 3 month consultation to the whole UK .......no wonder the railway costs twice what BR did. (sigh)
I worked at a art gallery where the owner would buy vast quantities of tatty antiquarian books just so we could cut out all the lithographic illustrations to frame and sell on to pub furnishing companies and interior decorators

I bought a few books on the topic of my degree (aquatic biology) like that, with the intention of doing just that, but it felt sacrilegious somehow and so the books sit, unmolested on my bookshelf.
It's not a bad gig, but I'd avoid the production side if you don't already have experience. Entry level positions usually include tasks like fluffing the commentators' air quotes fingers, and massaging them afterwards.
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