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Help Jesiedog's phone died. Please help.


Keeping the faith.

I'm an Urban75 old-timer and know nothing about anything Tech. Please bear with me.

I have a rock-solid, year 2011, iPhone 6. Good as new. Rarely used. It has 90% battery capacity (new battery four years ago). There has never been a problem. A battery charge lasts three days due to the limited phone use.

This evening, it was around 70% battery and (unusually,) a call came in through my Telegram App. The phone rang one and a half times and then died.

I can't switch it on. I've plugged it in to charge but there's no indication that it's alive.

It's just dead. Suddenly. For no reason. It's not a battery problem. It's something else.

Could anyone possibly illuminate me as to how to provide the appropriate CPR.

It's my only phone and a can't afford another.

Thank you.


I think it worked!

Your a genius Yoss. Thank you.

But why? And when it reboots, why is there a flurry of random messages on my local phone system from the last two weeks. And why and why and why?

Just asking.

I know I'm being monitored (though I'm not a priority yet,) but I do get paranoid when this kind of shit happens.

What would cause this?


Thanks Yoss (Superstar!) and thanks Urban (Superstars!).

I'll try to breath gently and relax.

Thank you again.

But what caused it? Scary!


I think it worked!

Your a genius Yoss. Thank you.

But why? And when it reboots, why is there a flurry of random messages on my local phone system from the last two weeks. And why and why and why?

Just asking.

I know I'm being monitored (though I'm not a priority yet,) but I do get paranoid when this kind of shit happens.

What would cause this?


Thanks Yoss (Superstar!) and thanks Urban (Superstars!).

I'll try to breath gently and relax.

Thank you again.

But what caused it? Scary!


Old phones fuck up sometimes. It's more likely to be the age of the phone causing this, than CCP shenanigans
Old phones fuck up sometimes. It's more likely to be the age of the phone causing this, than CCP shenanigans

Hi Rubbs. I hope you're significantly well and deeply content. And thank you.

I know it's likely a Tech issue. And, hopefully, sorted now. I trust you on this. Yet it's never happened and it's, essentially, an as-new phone.

Unfortunately, it does little to dispel my general paranoia. Things are getting edgy here.

I don't give a shit really. Fuck the CCP and Fuck the Fucking Ship they Rode in on (as it were)! Come and get me you Filthy fuckers! I won't go down without a Fucking Fight you Cunts!

Anyway. Ahem. Excuse me. It's just that there's been a bit of bother over here in the last few years.

Go well Rubbs. Thank you.

And what about you LBJ? Still kicking? Be cool, okay?

Immediate Tech crisis over. Thank you all and sundry. Urban75 at its best. Fucking Superstars!

Another question ...

... I have a 2011 Apple MacBook. A year ago, I updated it to the highest Spec' available - equivalent to the 2018 MacBook.

The crazy, Nihilist, Arab East German, Orc-Leprachaun, Master Watchmaker did it for me! Very cool! Parts cost only - under GBP 140. It's so much better!

16meg (2X8) of RAM and a new 1TB hard drive with digital reading capacity (as opposed to the old 500M one that used a laser or something,) in order to cope with the new RAM power but ...

... The downside is that there's a delay on the sound when watching videos. It seems there's no way to upgrade the soundcard/video/something, in order to keep up with the new RAM and digital hard-drive reader. Or something.

It's already over-upgraded and there's no equivalent video/sound upgrade available, says the Nihilist (and I have no reason to doubt it). Any ideas?

(Meanwhile, anyone interested can usually find me ranting on treelovers "Hong Kong:what next?" thread - I think I crashed in there about 18 months ago.)

Go well Urbanites. Be beautiful. Be strong. Be true.

Fuck's sake. I just saw 'Jessiedog' and 'died'. Don't do that to me. :D

Shit! Sorry!

I thought I made it clear that it was my phone.

You should've seen the mess I created when I posted the original "Jessiedog Is Dead" thread back in @ 2012.

It was Jessiedog that died, the dog that my name comes from, my constant companion since 1996, 16 years old, a delight, a fucking treasure of the highest order. She was a teacher. A learner. A doer. She did.

the editor, relatively swiftly, ameliorated the chaos by, arbitrarily, changing the thread title to: "Jessiedog's Dog, Jessiedog, is Dead" or something of that order.

Ahhhh! Them war the days!

But I thought, this time at least, I had it covered by the "Phone" thing, and posting it in the "Tech: Mobile." section.

Anyway. Still here peeps, with Belladog. Just.

Be well Urbanites. Be nice to each other.

Shit! Sorry!

I thought I made it clear that it was my phone.

You should've seen the mess I created when I posted the original "Jessiedog Is Dead" thread back in @ 2012.

It was Jessiedog that died, the dog that my name comes from, my constant companion since 1996, 16 years old, a delight, a fucking treasure of the highest order. She was a teacher. A learner. A doer. She did.

the editor, relatively swiftly, ameliorated the chaos by, arbitrarily, changing the thread title to: "Jessiedog's Dog, Jessiedog, is Dead" or something of that order.

Ahhhh! Them war the days!

But I thought, this time at least, I had it covered by the "Phone" thing, and posting it in the "Tech: Mobile." section.

Anyway. Still here peeps, with Belladog. Just.

Be well Urbanites. Be nice to each other.

No worries. Me not paying attention. I remember that thread as well. You has form. ;)

Good to see you. :)
Hey peeps?

Did you ever want see a picture of a drunk, drugged-up, crazy, Arab-East-German, Stasi, Nihilist, Master Watchmaker sexually abusing a dog?

Me neither!

Nevertheless, I'm compelled to provide the incontrovertible evidence. Don't look away! Feast your eyes upon this cesspool of of hate!

And the worst thing is ... he groomed her ... Belladog loves him too!

(Obviously Not Safe For Work!)



Love is a beautiful thing! Even Nihilists melt.

Thank you again, good Urban friends. I see you. I love you. You know who you are. Step. By. Step.

And blessings and love to one and all and all and sundry. Thank you. Be nice to each other.

Please catch up with me in the HK thread. Your input is crucial.

It's too late for me now. Two thirty in the morning again.

It's enough for one day. Be well peeps.

Come Bells.

Rest now.

Thanks again Yoss and all.

It's a massive relief to have a phone. I nearly soiled my underwear.

I feel loathe to leverage the HELP thing 'cos this is (obviously,) not critical but I'm going to anyway ...

... I'd love a bright geek to be able to solve this one (despite the Nihilist's pessimism).

Happy for the editor to delete the thread at any time too. It's not necessary now. Job done and I don't want to cause alarm.

Maybe after 72 hours? (Thanks always editor, for everything.)

And thank you again peeps. Be nice to each other.

Another question ...

... I have a 2011 Apple MacBook. A year ago, I updated it to the highest Spec' available - equivalent to the 2018 MacBook.

The crazy, Nihilist, Arab East German, Orc-Leprachaun, Master Watchmaker did it for me! Very cool! Parts cost only - under GBP 140. It's so much better!

16meg (2X8) of RAM and a new 1TB hard drive with digital reading capacity (as opposed to the old 500M one that used a laser or something,) in order to cope with the new RAM power but ...

... The downside is that there's a delay on the sound when watching videos. It seems there's no way to upgrade the soundcard/video/something, in order to keep up with the new RAM and digital hard-drive reader. Or something.

It's already over-upgraded and there's no equivalent video/sound upgrade available, says the Nihilist (and I have no reason to doubt it). Any ideas?

Blessings all.


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Hi Jessiedog - can't assist with any phone related issues (I got a bit lost with phones when they started being able to do things other than phone calls, SMS, and an alarm clock!) but I just wanted to say hello, hope things are going well for you :)

(Another who had a slight "moment" when glancing at the thread title! It became clear quickly enough though :) )
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