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Is there a site that plays non-stop random movie clips?

I was just wondering, is there a website where I can just relax and watch random movie clips non-stop?
I realise there may be copyright issues with such a site, but you never know.
I was just wondering, is there a website where I can just relax and watch random movie clips non-stop?
I realise there may be copyright issues with such a site, but you never know.
Good question, and I would like to know as well.

Not quite what you are after, but I sometimes find myself wasting time on Yarn. It is a quote/ dialogue based website, so they don’t show full scenes but only the bits of footage where words are spoken. Still, I have found myself moving from clip to clip on a given film for far longer than I should have. One day when I’m really bored I might attempt to do an entire film :rolleyes: :D

You can also search for any given phrase on any film or TV series, and jump from one usage of the expression to the next. Here for example are search results for people saying ’I can explain’ on films and TV

ETA: I’ve just searched for ‘fuck off’, and there are over 100,000 clips of it :D
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