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Ireland: Police Whistleblower Smeared as Child Abuser

Another one...
Fine Gael TD: A senior garda came to me with McCabe smears - Independent.ie

to be added to the TD, who was head of the Public Accounts Committee, being briefed 'off the record' in a pre-arranged, clandestine meeting with then Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan in a car park about the very same stuff nearly 3 years ago.

And former deputy leader of the Labour Party re-iterating on the telly once again that he had exactly the same experience (this time with a 'friend' who was a retired senior Garda Officer) also 3 years ago.

And Enda changng his story twice in 16 minutes in the Dail yesterday.

Their challenges are...
1. Who can safely be thrown under the bus? Problem here is that anybody senior enough to plausibly take the rap also knows where all the other bodies (and there rae many) are buried.

For example, when they tried to shaft the former head of the Garda Press Office Former head of Garda Press Office 'delighted' to be back at work after 22-month suspension
for alledgedly 'leaking information to the Press' he immediately made a 'protected disclosure' that that was actually part of his job (!) - and that Garda Commissioner Noirín O'Sullivan had him run the black propaganda campaign against Sgt McCabe. It remains to be seen what he does/says now that he is 'back in the fold'.

Who knows what the next sacrificial lamb will expose? And that is what they are all scared of.

2. They are all shit scared of the 'who knew what, when?'
If you knew a on date b, why did you not do x,y z?

They are fucked. All of them.

3. The only ones who come out of this with reputations unharmed/enhanced are the likes of lefty TDs such as Clare Daly, Mick Wallace (who have consistently been to the fore in all matters Garda-related); Shane Ross (before he became a part of the government) and (to a lesser extent) Sinn Féin, particularly Pearse Doherty. My understanding is that the Shinners have (to their credit) been directing concerned citizens/whistleblowers to the aforementioned TDs, rather than making politcal hay for themselves, for obvious reasons.

One ...glaringly..obvious reason would be the shinners own glaring lack of credibility in matters such as this when it comes to their party president and what can be chucked back in his face by Enda and co when it comes to whistleblowers, smears, sexual abuse etc . For example , during his brothers child rape trial he got himself off the hook by claiming he'd warned a conveniently dead priest in Clonard monastery , Fr McGoran, that his brother was a self admitted child rapist who shouldn't be working in their youth club . Thereby scapegoating a dead man who couldn't contradict him and putting the blame elsewhere .
It was complete bollocks of course, he'd warned absolutely nobody , not even his own ard chomairle ,and stuck by his brother , who was a serving sinn fein meber, right up until the moment he became a political liability .

The smearing of the Garda whistleblowers by setting social workers and child protection on them reminds me very much of Gerry Adams going to the social workers and making false complaints against his sister in law after she kicked his wife beating , child rapist brother out of the family home . It's the very same dirty type of smear . He tried to get her kids taken off her after the Adams family name was darkened by him being kicked out .

And whistleblowers such as his niece , Aine Dahlstrom, or Maria Cahill who've spoke out openly at how they were treated by Adams after they came forward.

Gerry Adams' niece Aine reveals: 'The Beard tried to get me to gag Press over abuse' - BelfastTelegraph.co.uk

“Put up or shut up” – Mairia Cahill’s challenge after Gerry Adams ‘uncle’ claims

If Adams can shamelessly remain in office after that type of behaviour then so can these cunts . The shinners are a walking example of how to close ranks and brazen out even the most despicable scandal and the very last party in there who can point fingers with a shred of credibility . That's why they're staying so quiet . Their leaders a massive liability yet they close ranks and brazen it out no matter how stinking it gets .

. I suspect there'll be little more than a few retirements with very hefty pensions to look forward to, sadly . It's being kicked into the long grass with tribunals by the looks of it . And the Garda commissioner is effectively investigating herself . Doesn't inspire me with much confidence .
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