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Internet booster problem - low speed.


Member Since: 1985 Post Count: 3
I had plusnet broadband (until today). It was supposed to be 80mbps but was mostly 60mbps probably less.
I work in a garden office and use a Devolo booser. On end is plugged into the lan of the router and plugs into the wall. I assume the mains cabling is what transmits/boosts the wifi signal and I pick it up again in my garden office with the other booster plug, I then plug that (lan) into my mac. This generally loses me about 10 to 20mbps.

Today I switched to Community fibre (full fibre) because at the same price I could get 1gig for the same price that I was paying for plusnet.
However. . . the speeds I got in my garden office doing the same thing with the router and Devolo boosers only gets me about 50mbps tops. I'm losing roughly 500mps (at the slowest speeds I have been getting in the house). Any idea what is happening?
What model of Devolo booster do you have? I see they do a few models based on different technologies. Some of ethernet over the powerline and some are wifi repeaters. I assume in either case it is at the limits of its range and it's as fast as it can go.
What speed are you getting in the house?

Doing some quick maths, if you had 80Mbs and lost 10 to 20Mbs that would be roughly the same as 50mbs tops.
Maybe its the mains thing limiting how much you can throughput, plus general resistance from the copper.

My Mum has a similar setup with a garden office type thing and I'm sure the speeds are always a bit slower on the office end.
The speeds will always be slower over powerline (if that's what this is) especially to a garden house as it will usually be on its own circuit and have its own fuse box.

However, I was using some TP-Link powerline adaptors that were old and would usually get me about 30mbps to the office when I'd get 70ish in the house. One of the adaptors died one day so I bought some new ones that were rated at 1Gbps. With those, I could easily get the full speed out to the office.

So basically, buy some new ones and you should see an increase.
What about your Mac? If it has 100Mb ethernet then that's the bottleneck, while connecting in the house the wireless card may be 300Mb or more.
Doing some quick maths, if you had 80Mbs and lost 10 to 20Mbs that would be roughly the same as 50mbs tops.
Yes I was getting 50mbps tops but usually more like 35. With the community fibre I'm getting about 600mbps in the house but 50mbps tops in the garden office down the booster.
Maybe its the mains thing limiting how much you can throughput, plus general resistance from the copper.

My Mum has a similar setup with a garden office type thing and I'm sure the speeds are always a bit slower on the office end.
Obviously l lose something, but I am losing loads. If I plug directly into the wall rather than a four way I can save about 10mbps each end. . . but I'm losing roughly 500mbps.
However, I was using some TP-Link powerline adaptors that were old and would usually get me about 30mbps to the office when I'd get 70ish in the house. One of the adaptors died one day so I bought some new ones that were rated at 1Gbps. With those, I could easily get the full speed out to the office.

So basically, buy some new ones and you should see an increase.
I'm sorry to say I have no idea what you are talking about. What are tp link powerline adaptors?
With my old internet (60-70mbps in the house) I lost between 20 and 40mbps, I accept that loss. . . . but I am now getting between 600 - 1gig in the house and still only 30-50 mbps in the office. That's quite a loss.
with the system you have, yes
you might get better speeds with better Devolo / Powerline / whatever kit, you might not, but it looks like you've hit the limit of what your current setup can do.
There are two Devolo technologies. One where it takes your wifi signal and retransmits to extend the signal. The other is it takes the wifi signal, then uses the mains circuit to send it to another device that takes that signal on the mains and coverts it to wifi.

I've just done a speedtest on my extender and it 10.04Mbs with the main house being 33Mbs. My extender is Powerline and it's on a different mains circuit and at the end of a fused spur. i.e. not a standard ring of electrical cable.
I expect your mains cable to your shed is just a spur and will be on a different circuit.
There are two Devolo technologies. One where it takes your wifi signal and retransmits to extend the signal. The other is it takes the wifi signal, then uses the mains circuit to send it to another device that takes that signal on the mains and coverts it to wifi.
I was hoping LAN was more stable (even going down the power lines) . . as the connection needs to be pretty stable for work.
Rather than just boosting the wifi that is.

I've just done a speedtest on my extender and it 10.04Mbs with the main house being 33Mbs. My extender is Powerline and it's on a different mains circuit and at the end of a fused spur. i.e. not a standard ring of electrical cable.
I expect your mains cable to your shed is just a spur and will be on a different circuit.
Yes a different circuit I think. . it has it's own fuse box.
You seem to be losing the same amount of mbps as me when using the plusnet router. . 60mbps in the house to 35mbps in the garden office.
But now I am getting 1000mbps in the house and 50(tops) in the office.
I was hoping LAN was more stable (even going down the power lines) . . as the connection needs to be pretty stable for work.

Yes a different circuit I think. . it has it's own fuse box.
You seem to be losing the same amount of mbps as me when using the plusnet router. . 60mbps in the house to 35mbps in the garden office.
But now I am getting 1000mbps in the house and 50(tops) in the office.
One analogy is you have purchased a Ferrari for your house broadband. But on the link to your shed like a single-lane road and there is someone on a horse and cart is now in front of your Ferrari. No matter how fast your Ferrari can go it's only going to at the horse and cart speed.
No matter how fast your internet can go. The limit is the Develo extenders.
I'm sorry to say I have no idea what you are talking about. What are tp link powerline adaptors?
With my old internet (60-70mbps in the house) I lost between 20 and 40mbps, I accept that loss. . . . but I am now getting between 600 - 1gig in the house and still only 30-50 mbps in the office. That's quite a loss.
Powerline is the technology that sends ethernet down a power cable. You have Devolo ones, I have TP-Link. My old TP-Links were rated at 500Mbps but wouldn't get anywhere near that, even for local file transfers. My new ones are rated at 1Gbps and they can get up to 400Mbps for internal transfers and the full 72Mbps for internet.

Basically, get some new ones!
Powerline is the technology that sends ethernet down a power cable. You have Devolo ones, I have TP-Link. My old TP-Links were rated at 500Mbps but wouldn't get anywhere near that, even for local file transfers. My new ones are rated at 1Gbps and they can get up to 400Mbps for internal transfers and the full 72Mbps for internet.

Basically, get some new ones!
I bought a new set and it went from not being about to get internet in the garage to getting 10Mb. Which for me is fine for me.

There are some options there.
But IMO be careful of long runs of network cable a nearby lightning strike (it doesn't need to strike the house) can induce currents in the cable that can damage equipment.
Powerline is the technology that sends ethernet down a power cable. You have Devolo ones, I have TP-Link. My old TP-Links were rated at 500Mbps but wouldn't get anywhere near that, even for local file transfers. My new ones are rated at 1Gbps and they can get up to 400Mbps for internal transfers and the full 72Mbps for internet.

Basically, get some new ones!
I see, so maybe I can get it up to 80mbps with one gig powerline technology.
This is all very helpful everyone, I am grateful for your input.
I see, so maybe I can get it up to 80mbps with one gig powerline technology.
This is all very helpful everyone, I am grateful for your input.

Unless your willing to pay for someone to install cables, either to the shed or the outside where you could set up a WiFi bridge.
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