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I'm trying to find coconut flavour jelly


not the only raver in the village
But I can't find it any shops. Online I can only see it sold in bulk quantities, which I don't want.
Cocon de nata do little 6 pack pots of jelly puddings and coconut is one of the flavours iirc.

They look perfect. I'm trying to create a soft drink that my daughter became obsessed with on holiday but never had. It's a fizzy drink with pieces of coconut flavour jelly floating in it. Comes in lychee, mango, stawberry and pineapple flavours.

Sounds appalling, I know.
They look perfect. I'm trying to create a soft drink that my daughter became obsessed with on holiday but never had. It's a fizzy drink with pieces of coconut flavour jelly floating in it. Comes in lychee, mango, stawberry and pineapple flavours.

Sounds appalling, I know.
Bubble tea. My kids too are mad on them. Very popular in this here London
They look perfect. I'm trying to create a soft drink that my daughter became obsessed with on holiday but never had. It's a fizzy drink with pieces of coconut flavour jelly floating in it. Comes in lychee, mango, stawberry and pineapple flavours.

Sounds appalling, I know.
Mogu mogu?? Readily available round this here London town!

UK delivery

Drinko, in the UK.

It’s out of stock at the moment from that wholesaler but looks promising for anywhere with a large Bangladeshi community. Is there one in Exeter?
Might be this you're after

Of course, the effort that you put into either sourcing or recreating Drinko will be inversely proportional to the enthusiasm and gratitude with which it is greeted. But that’s daughters. Sharper than a serpent’s tooth and much more annoying.
Pretty sure bigger supermarkets will stock Mogu mogu if you have access to one. I don't think they have to be refrigeratared :hmm:
It's called Drinko. But mogu mogu looks just as likely to rot her teeth
Presumably this is what you mean... I've just clicked through to the online shop. You can get 24 bottles for Tk600 (Tk = Bangladeshi Taka). 600 taka is around £4. That's 16.666666666666667p each. Compare that to a bottle of something like Fanta (Drinko, as far as I can tell, is still. It's probably more like a flavoured water than pop) or flavoured Volvic.

Obviously, that's not comparing like-for-like, as Bangladesh is a developing country, so it could be an equivalent to what we'd pay for a bottle of flavoured spring water.

Just thought to look it up in Wikipedia - the Wikipedia page doesn't say anything about Bangladesh, says it's Lebanese (and it mentions a fizzy drink called Fridge, which I can find precisely fuck all info about). The Wiki article mentions 14 flavours (can you tell I'm bored out my tiny mind...?) the PRAN website mentions 6. Fuck knows what's in it - has it even seen fruit...? Something like Fanta or Tango has to contain a minimum of 5% fruit juice to claim it contains juice.

PRAN seems to be a SE Asian producer of knockoffs of Western products, its take on the custard cream comes in 6 flavours (chocolate, orange, vanilla, strawberry, banana and pineapple). Oreos are called Sheros. Bangladeshi Smarties are - for some inexplicable reason - called Plutos. Snickers (aka Marathon for the more...venerable... Urbz) is called Snipers (there's also SIXERS which seems to be another Snickers knockoff). Bounty is called Babylon. 7UP (the plagiarism of the logos is blatant) is called Cheer UP! (Sorry if I'm boring you, but I fin this shite fascinating. No, I don't know why either. I'm weird).

I'm still trying to find the ingredients - I'm betting the actual fruit juice content is...negligible... I'd not heard of Mogu Mogu (I'm presuming with a name like that it's Chinese or Japanese or Korean or something). Looks...lurid. Oh it's Japanese...and all kawaii and shit... It's got...bits in. Nothing natural comes in turquoise and blue...

That's me out; I'm crashing now because I'm overheating (fuck you, thyroid!:mad:) 29º can get all the way to fuck...
Presumably this is what you mean... I've just clicked through to the online shop. You can get 24 bottles for Tk600 (Tk = Bangladeshi Taka). 600 taka is around £4. That's 16.666666666666667p each. Compare that to a bottle of something like Fanta (Drinko, as far as I can tell, is still. It's probably more like a flavoured water than pop) or flavoured Volvic.

Obviously, that's not comparing like-for-like, as Bangladesh is a developing country, so it could be an equivalent to what we'd pay for a bottle of flavoured spring water.

Just thought to look it up in Wikipedia - the Wikipedia page doesn't say anything about Bangladesh, says it's Lebanese (and it mentions a fizzy drink called Fridge, which I can find precisely fuck all info about). The Wiki article mentions 14 flavours (can you tell I'm bored out my tiny mind...?) the PRAN website mentions 6. Fuck knows what's in it - has it even seen fruit...? Something like Fanta or Tango has to contain a minimum of 5% fruit juice to claim it contains juice.

PRAN seems to be a SE Asian producer of knockoffs of Western products, its take on the custard cream comes in 6 flavours (chocolate, orange, vanilla, strawberry, banana and pineapple). Oreos are called Sheros. Bangladeshi Smarties are - for some inexplicable reason - called Plutos. Snickers (aka Marathon for the more...venerable... Urbz) is called Snipers (there's also SIXERS which seems to be another Snickers knockoff). Bounty is called Babylon. 7UP (the plagiarism of the logos is blatant) is called Cheer UP! (Sorry if I'm boring you, but I fin this shite fascinating. No, I don't know why either. I'm weird).

I'm still trying to find the ingredients - I'm betting the actual fruit juice content is...negligible... I'd not heard of Mogu Mogu (I'm presuming with a name like that it's Chinese or Japanese or Korean or something). Looks...lurid. Oh it's Japanese...and all kawaii and shit... It's got...bits in. Nothing natural comes in turquoise and blue...

That's me out; I'm crashing now because I'm overheating (fuck you, thyroid!:mad:) 29º can get all the way to fuck...

It is Drinko I'm after. I can't find anywhere that sells it here in small quantities and the postage charges getting it sent from abroad are more than I'm willing to pay
It is Drinko I'm after. I can't find anywhere that sells it here in small quantities and the postage charges getting it sent from abroad are more than I'm willing to pay
Would a city-based urb be willing to send you one or two if you paypalled them a few quid?

Google brings up a place in Aberdeen that appears to sell it but I'm not sure when I'll next be down there, otherwise I'd offer myself.
Bold words there (pun not initially intended)

It was the comical nature of the name Drinko that first enticed her, rather than the contents of the bottle.

Her disappointment at not receiving actual Drinko may be tempered by realising that mogu mogu is available in this country
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