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I'll be in Sheffield 22nd Sept ....


Member of The Underground.
If anyone fancies taking me around all the best charity shops and other second hand emporiums.

Maybe a spot of lunch too.
Crookes would be good for a spot of lunch as well, there’s a great pizzeria called Paesani and Lisboa patisserie is good for a coffee and something sweet and it’s next door to St Luke’s charity shop.
had a quick look around the city whilst waiting for my connection to buxton.

found a few in the city centre, someone recommended Ecclesall rd and my bus went that way, I counted around 6.

I'll be having a look around buxton tomorrow morning then back to sheffield.

maybe manchester thursday if I have time.
Devonshire Quarter used to be good for random shops when I was at Uni there, guessing its just student flats and the usual now?
I must of gone to every chazza in sheffield. I went to Crookes rd, Broomhill and some other places.

I found just one shirt.

Really knackered and didn't make it to manchester.

Going home tomorrow morning.
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