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Ian Tomlinson CPS verdict: "no realistic prospect of conviction"

Is it any wonder that [some] people have a healthy mistrust of the police, and the system?
No. Which is why I have actually suggested that we need to change the system for the consideration of serious cases against police officers and other State officials by introducing a Grand Jury type hearing to review the administrative decisions of the IPCC / CPS, etc and with the power to commit directly to trial.

No-one has, so far as I am aware, responded to this suggestion, on this thread or anywhere else, preferring instead to rant on about cover-ups and to demand that a scapegoat be found, with a wholsesale scrapping of all sorts of rules of law which protect all defendants from injustice ...

Now why is that then? Why prefer ranting to sober consideration of actually improving the system so that there IS transparency?
An utter inability to deal with reasoned discussion without resorting to derogatory, dismissive abuse accentuates the gulf between he and I (and most likely some others here).
I have no problem dealing with "reasoned discussion". Sadly there is little of it here ... and none at all from The Collective.

Fuckwittedness, prejudice, total lack of logic, persistent drawing of firm conclusions based in limited or no facts, gross misrepresentation of what I have actually posted and a total inability to consider any alternative explanations apart from the one they have instantly decided upon (based entirely on their (negative or positive) prejudices and stereotyping are what gets "derogatory, dismissive abuse".

Maybe you should encourageThe Collective to avoid all of the above and see what happens ... :D
Where has anyone demanded a scapegoat?

Surely everyone posting wants the perpetrator punished, not an innocent party.
I have no problem with wanting to see the officer charged with assault. I have said so in so many words since the CPS decision not to chage was publicised.

But that is not what people want, is it? They want him charged with (convicted of, to be honest - an acquittal by the jury would just result in claims that the jury were part of the "establishment conspiracy" as has been alleged on other threads ...) manslaughter regardless of the generic rules of the laws of evidence that mean that it cannot be done. That would be wanting him convicted of something that, in law, he is not guilty of. That is scapegoating.
I have no problem dealing with "reasoned discussion". Sadly there is little of it here ... and none at all from The Collective.

Fuckwittedness, prejudice, total lack of logic, persistent drawing of firm conclusions based in limited or no facts, gross misrepresentation of what I have actually posted and a total inability to consider any alternative explanations apart from the one they have instantly decided upon (based entirely on their (negative or positive) prejudices and stereotyping are what gets "derogatory, dismissive abuse".

Maybe you should encourageThe Collective to avoid all of the above and see what happens ... :D

So that's another way of saying that you don't understand then - you are the most notable knucklehead on here at grossly misrepresentating others, showing an inability to entertain alternate explanations and to understand the written word. The sight of you trying to arrogantly claim that a word like 'spade' can be 'entirely' free of racist context and trying to define language and association by concrete, quasi-legal principles has been utterly illuminating (and humorous). Whatever your police expertise, it's clear that your skills with the written word and basic concepts of literary theory are lacking, not that you allow that to stop you spouting out ignorant, oversimplistic tosh or trying to prescribe how language can be perceived. All the insults and cunts in the world don't cover up your basic arrogance and lack of knowledge, nor your inability to admit a mistake or poor choice in the first place.

The idea of 'the collective' is of course entirely ridiculous. It's not as though posters like myself and Pickmans, Citizen and all share that many opinions, nor is there some concerted effort to gang up on you - your posts eally are that halfbaked and poorly explained. You don't have to believe there's some concerted effort to drag you down, you arrogant prannet - it's entirely possible and of course very likely that people can arrive at the conclusion that you're a jumped up muppet and precious clown all by themselves.
The sight of you trying to arrogantly claim that a word like 'spade' can be 'entirely' free of racist context...
Tell you what, you thick cunt. Instead of just STATING that it isn't (as if your fucking word is the word of fucking God or something) why not actually answer the question you've been asked a million fucking times and explain what these mysterious racist connotations are that it has in and of itself (i.e. NOT in how it can be used, in and of itself).

And, until you do, just shut the fuck up, eh?
Ian Tomlinson Death, No one charged, no one held responsible.

Well the issues are not going to go away just because a certain poster calls everyone names repeatedly. Despite the other thread being closed we need a space to discuss this appalling behaviour on the part of the police that lead to a mans death.
so the tactic of repeated abuse to all and sundry by one apologist finally pays off as crispy locks the thread eh? :rolleyes:

nice and democratic that.......
What's the point though? Captain Pottymouth will accuse everyone else of misreading him, misrepresent others left right and centre and then call everyone in 50mile vicinity a cunt when his posts are questioned. And then after that cuntstorm everyone will get an equal slap on the wrist for some reason or other.
The point is that Detective Boy has an ever present agenda which must be opposed. He posts here on Urban only to put forward the view that we live in a genuine democracy and the police are the servants of said democracy. He will try and constantly argue that the police do no wrong and that if they do its the aberrant behaviour of one police officer countering the widely held view that the police are rotten from the top down.

Fuck him, lets not get distracted. The list of people dead at the hands of the police grows and nothing must stop people from debating their response.
Ach, I don't think it's that cynical. I suspect he's not that smart or tactical, more a fruitloop with no self control and an inability to admit mistakes

I'll apologise slightly for the other thread, where what seemed a simple debate about a linguistic principle turned into the usual flood of cunting this and that. At best it should have been an academic debate - that point being that you can never effectively divorce a word from context and it can never be 'entirely' anything - but no way could DB trying and discuss things reasonably. Trying to defend his unwise choice of words he threw everything but the cunting kitchen sink my way with his usual charm, even throwing a load of irrelevant, misrepresentative PC gawn mad bollocks (why? - I've not even said anything of the sort),laughable tosh about 'per se' and any other irrelevancy he could use as distraction. Gawd knows what he'd have been like if someone tried the same tricks on him - well, we'd have been seing the righteous explosion from out of space.

DB always reminds me of one of those unreliable witness characters you get in courtroom dramas that crack indicatively under pressure. Initially convincing and authoratative, he so quickly becomes unbalanced, aggressive and delusional enough to undermine his credibility.

I'd love the other thread unlocked fwiw - I can't see what stopping will achieve. 50 pages down and largely dumped because someone's predicatably on the pottymouth tip, again
I did intend to unlock that thread after a cooling off period, actually. And now this replacement thread is also all about detective boy and he hasn't even posted on it. Fantastic. Bodes well for "reasoned discussion"
Don't you think DB makes the threads all about himself with his histrionics, aggression and accusations? If he doesn't get a reaction he'll post 10 times in a row until he gets one. Be fair now

What do you propose? Everyone ignore that fact that pretty much everyone's accused of continually misrepresenting him as if that's plausible, that they should accept the constant flow of cunts and other insults. For what? To be all told they're as bad as one another and that the whole thread should be sacrificed

This has been going on for months now. Nobody buys the 'all equally bad' argument
Not equally all bad, no. Equally tedious to deal with, yes. I really can't be bothered to untangle and read 20 pages of back and forth. If it's all so disagreeable, why engage? Put him on ignore and don't reply = problem solved.
I did intend to unlock that thread after a cooling off period, actually. And now this replacement thread is also all about detective boy and he hasn't even posted on it. Fantastic. Bodes well for "reasoned discussion"

Shall I start another thread entitled DB is a pig bastard?
Ach, I don't think it's that cynical. I suspect he's not that smart or tactical, more a fruitloop with no self control and an inability to admit mistakes
This. You see it in his unerring ability to include people who often support him in his paranoid little notion of the "Cunt's Collective", whenever they have the temerity to disagree with him.

There's no particular agenda. Just a paranoid little man with an over-developed ego and a very distorted world view.
He just gets wound up easy by people intent on winding him up.

What's this thread about, again?
Not equally all bad, no. Equally tedious to deal with, yes. I really can't be bothered to untangle and read 20 pages of back and forth. If it's all so disagreeable, why engage? Put him on ignore and don't reply = problem solved.

How do you ignore someone who has a tendency to take on all comers, post multiple times in a row and fills his posts with more CAPITALS and emphasis than you can shake a stick at? If it was an isolated occasion it'd be fine, but this swear filled aggression is the norm. Ignoring would be a futile approach - it's not as though DB is discrimate in his choice of targets, nor that you could expect a board-wide ignore or nobody to quote. It would just continue with a new cast of characters forevermore, people sacrificing their right of reply for no good reason. The mod activity seems to be to bury it and hope it goes away

Why shouldn't you be able to engage with a thread without some jumped-up goon rounding on all and sundry? If it was an isolated case then fine, but this is routine - the problem will never end.

The problem will not be solved by ignoring, that's for certain.
Captain Sweary has persistently being posting angry replies to me on the benefits thread, even though my posts are to other people. I've apologised already on another thread for some heated posts of my own, but this doesn't seem to make any difference whatsoever. I struggle to see why such behaviour is tolerated tbf.
Captain Sweary has persistently being posting angry replies to me on the benefits thread, even though my posts are to other people. I've apologised already on another thread for some heated posts of my own, but this doesn't seem to make any difference whatsoever. I struggle to see why such behaviour is tolerated tbf.
I'm not a big fan of the ban hammer, but it is fair to say that if any poster - not to mention the rest of us - would benefit from an enforced holiday it is db. I too am at a loss to explain the mods lack of action on this. Unless it's just because the mess he creates is too difficult to pick through so they just assume it's a six-of-one situation.
I like it when he accuses me of being a part of some 'collective'. The sum total of people I hang out with from here in real life = zero. :D

I don't rate those detective skills of his much.
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