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I need a 38 tooth middle chainring for my bike...

Given the massively different wear rates I'm seriously considering refitting the old back ones and having the new pads as spares for the front...

... whenever my new back tyre actually arrives - ordered Sunday, promised Wednesday - it's currently struggling to travel a few miles across town to my doubtless under-staffed and over-worked local sorting office - 3 days so far ...
I might have been a bit annoyed if the old one had succumbed to trail debris ... though I'm guilty of not actually carrying a brush and dealing with the problem.
The worst of it is on the way to the sorting office so I may yet have an opportunity to remedy that...

align the calipers.
Actually now that you mention it, that might explain the slightly uneven wear on the front - so maybe sooner rather than later...

For today I was happy simply not to have injured myself :)

My tyre arrived - folded - a much less substantial affair than previous Continental tyres - so I will reserve judgement ...
My back brake with the old pads is I have to confess a bit inadequate - certainly compared to the front so I may relent and put the new ones back in ... and align the calipers...

I spotted an opportunity to help out my ex's daughter, so I ordered a new tyre for the front - so I can hopefully be less paranoid about the broken glass that keeps appearing on roads I want to use - so I will have a couple of serviceable Contis to make her SH mountain bike with under-inflated knobbly tyres into practical transport to commute to work - and because the SH bike racks I gave them don't fit, I'm taking a punt on one I found on ebay.


Doubtless it will end up as a full bike service...

I had a look and there may actually be no bicycle repair places in the area where I'm hoping to live - so I hope I don't end up having to get my visa tweaked due to friendly locals twisting my arm to have me help them out ... though there's always the barter system - and I could in any case also very easily end up with excess garden produce available...

I am still a very reluctant and under-skilled mechanic ... though I will in any case want more than one beach bike plus a few spares for guests so it might work out OK...

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So it's arrived and there are far too many screws with non-nylock nuts for my liking.
Is there an alternative to buying proper loctite ?
My default is hot snot glue...
So my ex- having thrown a wobbly, the rack and tyres remain unfitted - super annoying - not least because I found sufficient nylocs to do a decent job of the install. I still reckon I might use hot snot on three big screws that have no nuts ...
Two weeks and not a word. :p

Anyway I'm not sorry I bought a new front tyre to match the back - but these tyres aren't like the ones I used to get for £11.
I wonder if they compromised the design to make them foldable - sometimes I'm aware of lateral flex - in spite of pumping them up to 4 bar as is my wont...
Hopefully they are equally as resistant to the crazy amount of broken glass I keep encountering...
So far I'm only £15 down - though I would hope that I would have been paid for it - not least because she was getting a complete service too ...
Unless my ex- sorts herself out I'm going to be looking for another worthy recipient.
The whole thing is a bit of a design nightmare... I just realised it has five clamp screws ... I reckon there's certainly potential for liberal use around where the rack mounts on the spar ...

Very lightweight though ...

Why not just fit it as per the manufactures instructions?
Because it's not fit for purpose as it is - needed to be welded - and supplying non-nylock nuts was bonkers.
36 years' experience of riding over bumpy roads with all kinds of things attached to my bike.
I broke my own rules the other day and lost a speedo that wasn't backed-up with a lanyard ...
Flipping heck.
Yesterday I gave my bike a service and swapped out the rear brake pads and forgot to splay the ends of the split pin
Luckily for some random reason it just came into my head so I went down and corrected it.

I am so distracted at the moment...

The front derailleur could do with adjustment, but I don't have the focus available, and it forces me to not ride on the middle chainring.

Now I have brakes and new tyres, I need to get out for a ride to Bath botanic garden before I have to get stuck in working on the house ... I need to up my game generally as I'm barely warmed up towards the end of my daily 8 mile ride so I'm only able to push it for that last mile or so and so am not getting a proper workout.
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