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How do you pronounce........


are we there yet?
Ffwnmwn ?

The English on the sign says Fonmon (a place if you didn't know) , and I want to know for no other reason that pure curiosity.

Words without vowels make my little english monoglot head hurt:oops:
haylz said:
where to is that????????:D

as we Kardiffians say:D :D

It is somewhere between the airport and the big power station. There's a castle there - or at least I see the sign for a castle. I think its where the Vale of Glamorgan Show is being held .

Now, aren't you inpressed with my local knowledge?:D
felixthecat said:
It is somewhere between the airport and the big power station. There's a castle there - or at least I see the sign for a castle. I think its where the Vale of Glamorgan Show is being held .

Now, aren't you inpressed with my local knowledge?:D

you know more than me, only ever ventured up that part to fly to Cyprus oh and once i bought a second hand wardrobe off a lady at one of the MOD housing developments!!!:D

da iawn:cool:
I've never heard it of the place, and as a fluent Welsh speaker have no idea how it's pronounced - to be honest it doesn't even sound like a Welsh place name to me - I'm no authority at all but it sounds more early saxon or something to me - or a bastardisation of a Welsh word or words maybe. Not a lot of help sorry


Ah well, it'll just have to niggle at me as I drive past the bloody sign every day.

Its one of those stupid things thats going to bug me until I know.......
ddraig said:
but try doin more of an ffff than a v and also a soft a in the moan

i'm sooo glad that no-one else is in at the moment to hear me.:oops: :oops:

There's a reason I only speak one language :oops:

(and that one not very well either)
ddraig said:
but try doin more of an ffff than a v and also a soft a in the moan

If you're thinking Welsh Single F = V sound Ff = fffff sound. and unless it has a circumflex it would be 'mon' as in mon-i-ka not mon as in moan. I can't find a version with a circumflex (to bach - little roof) on the internet, so my 50 pence goes firmly on it being a) not a Welsh word/amalgamation of words OR b) a bastardised and amalgamated pair of Welsh words.. you can tell I'm bored can't you.. :)
felixthecat said:
Ffwnmwn ?

The English on the sign says Fonmon (a place if you didn't know) , and I want to know for no other reason that pure curiosity.

Words without vowels make my little english monoglot head hurt:oops:

W and Y are vowels in Welsh. W is like "oo" in fool.

But Ffwnmwn, like someone else said, sounds like a bad translation.
I'd say Ffwnmwn would be pronounced 'phoon-moon'

Are you sure it's not Ffwrwm (on old Welsh word for 'a place to sit' I think)

To get To Bach on your computer, you should down load this for free - it's great.
Ben Bore said:
I'd say Ffwnmwn would be pronounced 'phoon-moon'

Are you sure it's not Ffwrwm (on old Welsh word for 'a place to sit' I think)

To get To Bach on your computer, you should down load this for free - it's great.

The lady who shows you round the castle says it's been pronounced all sorts of ways and (I thinks she said) may be of French origin.
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