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Horror movies for younger teens?


Differently Ethical
My almost 13 year old wants to watch some horror movies - can anyone suggest some that aren't too horrific?
He's asking to watch Saw which I've said no to but we've watched Final Destination - so I'm looking for things around that level/15 certificate max. Maybe Poltergeist? And the Conjuring?
I think that's an 18 isn't it?
Sorry, yeah, yu might be right.

I was never a fan f scary/psychological films as a youth but lder films lk less fucked up these days? Not sure age ratings are an absolute guide...

Sorry, not helpful.
Trying to think what we've watched together...

Halloween: recommended as above.
American Werewolf in London: brilliant but definitely chock full of sex and gore :D
Ring (original Japanese version): he loved it, quiet and gore-free but certainly scary and disturbing.
Alien: another hit, plenty of claret though (we also watched Aliens of course but that's an action movie so doesn't count for these purposes).
The Thing: probably not what you're looking for :D
Final Destination 2: good honest entertainment, loads of death but ridiculous and cartoony.
Get Out: thematically quite grown up, although very entertaining.
Poltergeist: I'd say this hits your brief.

He has also watched and enjoyed Hereditary and Midsommar, but he's 14/nearly 15. I wouldn't have let him watch them last year.
Some more:

Event Horizon: full of gore and unpleasantness, so probably not a good pick.
Attack the Block: yes, it's more sci fi comedy but it's so good.
His House: deep, thoughtful, spooky. We both loved it but it's quite grown up.
We've also agreed on watching
The Omen
Get Out
The Others (my choice and under protest)

The Ring would be perfect I think! I'll add that to the list. There was a similar one with Jennifer Conelly that was made around the same time. And am I imagining it or was there one with Sarah Michelle Gellar too?
Gellar was in the American remake of The Grudge. I haven't seen either version, although the boy watched and enjoyed the original.
Looks like Connolly was in the American remake of Dark Water. Haven't seen that but I liked the Japanese original, although it is very sad.
Woman in Black is the one all the youngsters were talking about a couple of years ago. Maybe a bit passe now though. What about 'Parasite'?
Maybe more thriller, but have watched with my sons & we loved it.
Is a series like Squid Game too horrific? Or are series not what you are after?
The Exorcist is a great film for all ages I think. Not too gory compared to some slasher type ones.

If you really want to give them nightmares, then Threads.

Both might be a bit much for sensitive dispositions though.
Trying to think of stuff I liked as a young un. Or stuff I use as a teacher.

Dawn of the dead is great. Romero version anyhow. Never saw the remake.

I use clips from Jaws in my teaching. It's a classic.

Evil Dead II is amazing and very childish at heart but probably one to build up to as it is kinda gory. Though mostly in a cartoon way. Also have army of darkness and the TV series if it is liked.

I watched the Cronenberg fly when I was young..... I probably shouldn't have.

Poltergeist was another one I enjoyed. Not too extreme.

The birds is nice for tension. Good entry point to hitchcock I think.
The Lost Boys is definitely one to include - I mean, it's definitely horror! But also fine to watch with a 13-year-old, and the soundtrack is mint.

I wonder if the first Nightmare on Elm Street movie would stand the test of time?

Oh Let the Right One In. Totally watch that unless you have an issue with subtitles (it's Swedish).

TBF that's really fucking gory and includes paedophilia. It does have 15 rating but they had to fight for that - it's a R-rated film in the US.
Fright Night (the original) is brilliant, though kids nowadays would probably find it lame AF.
As a young to middling teen, had seen

The Omen (1-3)
The Dead Zone
The Twilight Zone (The Movie)
Salem's Lot
Jaws (1&2)
Nightmare On Elm Street
The Shining
American Werewolf in London
Psycho (1&2)
Race With the Devil
Zombies Flesheater

All vintage but the last one might be a bit too much for modern sensibilities...
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