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Reaching out
While everyone talks about racism in football, homophobia is very rarely heard of. Is that because is such a big issue and people won't go near it?
Anyway, here's a little opener

don't know if it's 'rarely heard of' - depends what you mean, really

no professional player is getting homophobic abuse that matches the racist abuse that many black players get, as there aren't any (out) gay professional players...
This should really not be a story and it is very sad that it is. I see that Josh is probably the only top flight footballer in the world to have come out as gay. Fash did, but after he retired and look what happened to him :(
Anyway, more power to Josh's elbow and all credit to him. Lets hope others will be inspired by this and not feel they need to hide their sexuality away anymore.

Ah, I thought more was going on with sorting homophobia in football these days. :(
I asked a related question on the cricket thread just recently (almost no openly gay cricketers either, it seems).
While everyone talks about racism in football, homophobia is very rarely heard of. Is that because is such a big issue and people won't go near it?
Anyway, here's a little opener

To be honest, I'd just see this as a good news story. It would be ridiculous to imagine it's not an issue, but here it is being dealt with.
While everyone talks about racism in football, homophobia is very rarely heard of. Is that because is such a big issue and people won't go near it?
Anyway, here's a little opener

Yes, it is a big issue and as you say, bar the occasional news story, there has been very little said or done about it over the decades. That maybe explains why even now, in 2022, there is not one player in the four English leagues who feels comfortable enough to be openly out. Think about that. Not a single one. That is some indictment on the sport itself, and parts of the culture surrounding it.

But despite all that, I am quietly confident about the foreseeable future. I think within the next 12 months or so, a top flight player will at last feel assured enough to come out and state that he is gay. It will happen.


Well done to Jake Daniels. !7 years of age as well. Top lad.🌈


Well done to Jake Daniels. !7 years of age as well. Top lad.🌈

Strapping lad for 7.


Well done to Jake Daniels. !7 years of age as well. Top lad.🌈
Fantastic stuff. Let's hope others feel empowered to speak us now too.
Becoming a bit of a good news story all round, in a way:

I haven't looked up what Ekpiteta said back in 2012, but his apology sounded genuine (even if there's a bit of corporate speak in there). A case of someone genuinely moving on.
It is just so sad that it is such a big national story that someone has announced this. It shouldn't ever matter and hopefully it won't matter ever again.
And then you have this fucker, refusing to wear a shirt because it had a Rainbow symbol on it.

Occurred to me that if he has family at home in Senegal (where homosexuality is illegal and politicians grandstand over this), and the security forces are prone to.. indiscretions, then wearing the rainbow might be a bit of a complex issue for him.
It is just so sad that it is such a big national story that someone has announced this. It shouldn't ever matter and hopefully it won't matter ever again.
Considering the response to the story it could be argued that it didnt need to be such a big story and that football maybe just isnt as homophobic as many had imagined.
It certainly should not have been such a big story. I suspect players are not too homophobic, it's mainly the fans, who will pick on anything when it comes to an opposing player.
And then you have this fucker, refusing to wear a shirt because it had a Rainbow symbol on it.

Fucking state of this

Homosexuality is illegal in Senegal and punishable by prison sentences of up to five years. It is also illegal in Qatar, where PSG's owners hail from and where the men's 2022 World Cup will be staged later this year.
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