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Homophobia in Brixton


I'm still trying to process what turned out to be the worst night I've ever DJd at the Albert in nearly 25 years because of the actions of one person.

This guy - who is a rapper quite well known to regulars - came up to the DJ booth and told me my music was fucking shit, despite people all around enjoying the sounds.

He's entitled to his opinion of course, but I told him that he was being deeply disrespectful, particularly as he has DJd there in the past and I would never ever dream of saying such things, even if I didn't like his selection.

He than charged into the DJ booth, all puffed up, aggressive and confrontational, and delivered some of the worst homophobic abuse I've ever heard in my life, shouting out that I was apparently a "pervert," a "faggot" and a "batty man," whilst challenging me to a fight and telling me how he was going to fuck me up.

He then added some other colourful abuse covering other aspects of my life, desperate for some kind of violent interaction, as he detailed the ways in which he was going to inflict harm on me.

I managed to diffuse the situation enough for him to leave the DJ booth, but it was a really unsettling and depressing experience and truly shocking to hear such unreconstructed homophobic abuse in 2023.

I'm not going to name him for now - perhaps he'll message me tomorrow and be apologetic for being such a vile, aggressive drunk twat - but I can never forgive his disgusting anti-gay rhetoric....

I wasn't sure about posting this here but it left me really shaken...
What a knob end. All credit to you for difussing the situation despite being on the recieving end, that takes some skills. Did the pub management not do anything? Once you feel a bit calmer could you make a complaint against him?
I hope you've managed to get some rest and can get over this horrible incident as soon as possible.
Hugs X
Sounds really upsetting Ed, sorry to read it.

Not that it should make a legalistic difference, as all public events should have the same standard, but I did notice that your night was advertised as LGBTQ friendly
Opera Snapshot_2023-12-24_101028_www.brixtonbuzz.com.png

At the very least this guy needs to be barred by the Albert. Its not fun to have to go through that process and put yourself in the situation to instigate that, but for the sake of future others as much as anyone else i think it has to be done. The venue should be able to do that without mentioning your name, and even if he puts two and two together that it relates to this, hopefully it won't mean you having to face off in any way.

I appreciate this is really hard as it's basically village politics and there is real possibility you will bump into each other again.

Ideally there could be some kind of "transformative justice" aspect to this, somehow getting him to admit his wrong doing and being shown the error of his ways etc to not do it again....maybe that might arise through the barring process....but I do think its the kind of thing that shouldnt be ignored. I wouldn't want to involve the police myself
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That's awful and must have really shaken you up :(

Did no-one come and help you?
No one really saw it happen - I was keeping it so calm it probably looked like we were just chatting - but I had no shortage of back up from regulars and staff once he'd fucked off.
I don't think I've ever called for someone to be banned from a pub before but what happened was totally unacceptable. He'd been trying to pick fights with other people there earlier and I certainly won't be hosting nights if this raging homophobe is allowed in.
That sounds awful, hope you're starting to feel ok Ed. That cunt needs to be reported to the police, even if it goes nowhere it'll be on file so that if he does physically attack someone it'll be there waiting for me. Plus, if he's a rapper, he has a public profile and that means he needs to be held to account. I think the fucker should be named so people know what he's really about. Being drunk is no excuse for hate.
That's horrific!

I just want to make clear - that is a hate crime for someone to verbally and with threat of physical violence attack you in that way with homophobic abuse (even if you yourself are not gay, it is still clearly homophobic).

I hope you feel OK today.
So sorry to read this. It’s awful that one person can cause so much distress and angst by their behaviour, and sometimes I think people are far to keen to cut tossers like this slack for their Cuntish behaviour ignoring how they damage the people they abuse.

It’s easy to say that you should rise above it, as he is a sad little excuse for a man who will never bring as much enjoyment to others as you do with your DJ work and this place, but this would be to miss the point.

I personally wouldn’t get old bill* involved but I’d absolutely do everything you can to get the fucker banned from the pub so as not to do this to anyone else there.

(* But if you want to, feel free to drop me a PM.)
I got badly beaten up in the Prince Albert loos for being a 'batty boy' once by three brave young lads. Security threw one of them out. And me.

A) I'm not gay and B) if i was I'd be fucking proud to be a batty boy thank you very much.

Got my three front teeth knocked out, cunts.
I just want to make clear - that is a hate crime for someone to verbally and with threat of physical violence attack you in that way with homophobic abuse (even if you yourself are not gay, it is still clearly homophobic).


i've no personal experience of dealing with them, but the met have LGBTQ+ community liaison officers so may be worth making contact with them. (discrimination / hate crime based on perceived sexual orientation is still hate crime)

(((( editor ))))
I'm hesitating to report it because he's the kind of twat who would seek violent retribution - but on the other hand it has the potential to really damage his MC career once it's established that he's a raging homophobic bigot. And people should know what their heroes are really like.
I got badly beaten up in the Prince Albert loos for being a 'batty boy' once by three brave young lads. Security threw one of them out. And me.

A) I'm not gay and B) if i was I'd be fucking proud to be a batty boy thank you very much.

Got my three front teeth knocked out, cunts.
Shit. When did this happen?

Sometimes I forget that just hosting a night billed as gay friendly can be enough to get the thugs crawling out of their swamps.
Shit. When did this happen?

Sometimes I forget that just hosting a night billed as gay friendly can be enough to get the thugs crawling out of their swamps.

Um, about 8 years ago I think.

There shouldn't even be such a reason to market something as 'gay friendly'. I mean I know you probably have to but still. How stupid are people.
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