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Holloway goes totally mental about Rooney

I read that as ''Hollywood goes totally mental about Rooney'' which I found a little unlikely.
he is hilarious, all over the place with this rant, he sounds like blokes in pubs in Bath talking about footie - yet he is a premiership manager :cool:
yeah I appreciate the sentiment but he's far from articulate, I mean you can't compare a footaballer to a house ffs.
he's talking bollocks of course. The Bosman ruling was nothing to with the people running football, it's (a) EU regulation and (b) common sense that no worker is owned by his employer.
he's talking bollocks of course. The Bosman ruling was nothing to with the people running football, it's (a) EU regulation and (b) common sense that no worker is owned by his employer.

I found his comparing a human being with property a bit offensive. Not that I have anything against him, he's a very good manager,
he's talking bollocks of course. The Bosman ruling was nothing to with the people running football, it's (a) EU regulation and (b) common sense that no worker is owned by his employer.

Your point (a) is of course correct, but I don't agree with your point (b). Once you get above a certain level of wage, the normal rules cease to apply. IMO an exception to the EU regulation should have been made for people earning above a certain large sum of money. The effect of the Bosman ruling is that players have been able to hold clubs (and ultimately fans) to ransom. They are now paid absurd sums and ticket prices have rocketed as a result.
So your advocating slavery?

Clubs can do the same thing to players as well and come the seasons end regularly do, so it cuts both ways, but before Bosman, they still held the registration of the player and could dictate where he played even though the contract has ended.

A club should be bigger than a single player and if Wayne Rooney doesn't want to sign a new contract, he's given then plenty of time to find a replacement. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't give my current employers 18 months notice.

They are paid large sums because the clubs are being paid 2 billion quid by Sky and quite rightly they think they should get a fair share of that income. I know I would.
I've never heard of a slave being paid £100k per week to play sport. The system that existed before Bosman was not slavery.
A club should be bigger than a single player and if Wayne Rooney doesn't want to sign a new contract, he's given then plenty of time to find a replacement. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't give my current employers 18 months notice.

Sorry, it is naive to compare your job to Rooney's position. Players now sign long contracts knowing full well that the clubs will be desperate not to let that contract get anywhere near its end because they'd lose the transfer fee. They use that new position of leverage to demand ever greater sums. And clubs get into huge debt trying to keep up with the tiny few with megarich benefactors. As a result, ticket prices continue to soar.
His legs haven't looked too clever in the last few months. That's what he ought to be trying to sort out. Or was it Ferguson's fault he was shit in the World Cup too? Spoilt little fuck.
Holloway is talking rubbish though. Bosman was (as has been said) an entirely correct decision both legally and in terms of fairness and would/should be irrespective of how much a player is paid. Webster is less correct though and is something that needs to be revisited.
Those rules were brought in to protect ordinary workers, not millionaire footballers. There's nothing fair about the way footballers are able to extort ever greater sums of money from fans.
Those rules were brought in to protect ordinary workers, not millionaire footballers. There's nothing fair about the way footballers are able to extort ever greater sums of money from fans.

Exactly. Bosman is fair enough if it prevented somebody earnig a living to feed his family. If Rooney was prevented from earning a living it would be several years if not several lifetimes before anyone in the Rooney household noticed.

Personbally I hope to god that Man City dont give him ethe £0.5m a week that he feels he is worth. How can it be right that one jumped up scouse twat can earn more in a week than most of the people sat in the stands watching him could dream of earning in 20 years?
Can someone explain to me why English football is so out of control on wages? IIRC, English footballers are more expensive than foreign footballers, which means we don't have a lot of English players in the Premiership any more and we also don't have many of them playing abroad, which means we can't even find an England squad with all the players playing in their best positions/with their strongest foot.

Is the premise correct?

I saw AC Milan play Parma in the San Siro about 12 years ago. We had great seats a few rows up behind one of the goals (happened to be the end where all three goals were scored too :cool:). The tickets cost £8 each, about a quarter of what tickets to a similarly huge Premiership game would have cost at the time (so I was reliably informed - I don't go to football very often and when I do, it's not usually Premiership).

Why is English football so expensive compared to elsewhere in Europe? And why do people put up with it?
you still can't expect someone to be bound to an employer indefinitely (even beyond the duration of the contract they signed, as some appear to be advocating). Transfer fees are a fairly ridiculous aberration if you think about it...

Anyway, the high wages don't reflect the state of contract law, but the reality of where the money comes from. Clubs charging too much and racking up massive debts is another issue.
you still can't expect someone to be bound to an employer indefinitely (even beyond the duration of the contract they signed, as some appear to be advocating). Transfer fees are a fairly ridiculous aberration if you think about it...

Anyway, the high wages don't reflect the state of contract law, but the reality of where the money comes from. Clubs charging too much and racking up massive debts is another issue.
I wasn't arguing anything about the Bosman ruling (with which I agree). I was asking a question of proper footie afficionados and this seemed like the thread to ask the question on (I may be very wrong about this). How come English players are so expensive compared to foreign players? It can't be because they're worth it, or the problems with too few English players in top flight football would not be an issue.
Only a fraction of footballers earn the wages in the headlines. Bosman himself was a second or third-division Belgian goalkeeper. For these guys, not being able to seek work at a new employer when their old employer had no more use for them was devestating.
Only a fraction of footballers earn the wages in the headlines. Bosman himself was a second or third-division Belgian goalkeeper. For these guys, not being able to seek work at a new employer when their old employer had no more use for them was devestating.

I already said I support the Bosman ruling. But my apologies, I am derailing this thread with a completely different question. Forget it.
I wasn't answering you, I was answering others. I don't know the answer to your question, other than my usual one of "unfettered capitalism"
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