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Help needed - being chased for a year's worth of phone contract (£185) that I cancelled within the 14 day cooling off period


Kipping in the dunes
I took out a phone contract with EE, the most basic one available, for £11.90 a month on 15th Sep. I've never been on a contract before, always PAYG.

I received messages (text and then letter) saying I would be debited £17 pm.

I rang both times to say they'd got the amount wrong, and both times was assured I would only be debited £11.90.

On 26th Sept, my online banking showed a DD of £17 had been taken. I cancelled the DD.

(The next time I looked, the £17 DD had disappeared. It appears my cancelling had prevented it being taken. This bit is puzzling. But it appears EE never had any money off me. But I was under the impression I'd paid for one month's worth of contract).

I rang that day, 26th, to cancel my contract. This was within the 14 day cooling down period (the 14 days would be up on 28th).

On 4th October I requested a PAC code from EE to transfer to another provider. Along with my PAC code, the reply I got said I owed them £185.60. I thought it must be a mistake, since I'd cancelled within the fortnight. They've now followed this up with 2 letters, saying the same thing. They also keep saying, by text, pay up or you'll lose service. Well, duh. I'm not with you any more. I left.

I rang them last Saturday, 23rd October to try and sort this out. They said they had no record of me having cancelled my contract with them. They were going to check their recorded calls (I think) and call me back Monday gone. I've heard nothing further.

I cannot prove I requested to cancel my account on 26th September. I did it by phone, by ringing their customer service on 150. I don't even have a record of having dialed that number. Dialing 150 doesn't ever show on my call history.

I have spent hours on the phone to them about this. Sometimes you can wait an hour to talk to someone in Customer Services.

It's taken up residence in my head, and I'm mad as hell about it, and worried it's contributing to a downturn towards depression (it's a dodgy time of year for me, and other stuff is combining to make my head feel overwhelmed). And it's escalating in my head to CCJs and bailiffs, and a ruined credit rating.

I mean basically, I think they've lied and fobbed me off at every stage. All the reassurances I'd be charged the correct amount, the apologies and seeming understanding when I closed my account cos they'd been so crap, was it all total bullshit?

Nothing they've said they'll do has happened. Everything they've told me has turned out to be utter shite.

What do I do?

Make a complaint obv.

But the options are webform (not keen, as then you have no record of it presumably), or letter. You can't email.

Should I contact trading standards?

Any advice very welcome, if anyone else has dealt with similar. Thanks.
No major advice about how to go forward but don't worry about credit record stuff. I had a long run in with Ovo over estimated bills (that they estimated while having a smart meter installed in my house ffs), cancelled their DD, had threats of bailifs etc. before they eventually worked out I was right, and while there is an entry for it on my credit record it doesn't seem to have impacted the score which is still excellent.
I'd phone them up and make a subject access request for the recordings of your phone calls between 14 Sept and yesterday and a separate call to customer services advising them of your subject access request and saying that until they can demonstrate to you you owe the money it won't be forthcoming.
A letter of complaint by recorded delivery, or whatever they call it nowadays, so you have proof of delivery, asking for the information mentioned by PM above.

I don't think it's worth contacting trading standards at this point.

If they continue chasing for payment, the ombudsman service is very good IME, having used them to settle a dispute with OVO over charging for electric, £570 credit plus a £150 goodwill payment was a great result.

I took out a phone contract with EE, the most basic one available, for £11.90 a month on 15th Sep. I've never been on a contract before, always PAYG.

I received messages (text and then letter) saying I would be debited £17 pm.

I rang both times to say they'd got the amount wrong, and both times was assured I would only be debited £11.90.

On 26th Sept, my online banking showed a DD of £17 had been taken. I cancelled the DD.

(The next time I looked, the £17 DD had disappeared. It appears my cancelling had prevented it being taken. This bit is puzzling. But it appears EE never had any money off me. But I was under the impression I'd paid for one month's worth of contract).

I rang that day, 26th, to cancel my contract. This was within the 14 day cooling down period (the 14 days would be up on 28th).

On 4th October I requested a PAC code from EE to transfer to another provider. Along with my PAC code, the reply I got said I owed them £185.60. I thought it must be a mistake, since I'd cancelled within the fortnight. They've now followed this up with 2 letters, saying the same thing. They also keep saying, by text, pay up or you'll lose service. Well, duh. I'm not with you any more. I left.

I rang them last Saturday, 23rd October to try and sort this out. They said they had no record of me having cancelled my contract with them. They were going to check their recorded calls (I think) and call me back Monday gone. I've heard nothing further.

I cannot prove I requested to cancel my account on 26th September. I did it by phone, by ringing their customer service on 150. I don't even have a record of having dialed that number. Dialing 150 doesn't ever show on my call history.

I have spent hours on the phone to them about this. Sometimes you can wait an hour to talk to someone in Customer Services.

It's taken up residence in my head, and I'm mad as hell about it, and worried it's contributing to a downturn towards depression (it's a dodgy time of year for me, and other stuff is combining to make my head feel overwhelmed). And it's escalating in my head to CCJs and bailiffs, and a ruined credit rating.

I mean basically, I think they've lied and fobbed me off at every stage. All the reassurances I'd be charged the correct amount, the apologies and seeming understanding when I closed my account cos they'd been so crap, was it all total bullshit?

Nothing they've said they'll do has happened. Everything they've told me has turned out to be utter shite.

What do I do?

Make a complaint obv.

But the options are webform (not keen, as then you have no record of it presumably), or letter. You can't email.

Should I contact trading standards?

Any advice very welcome, if anyone else has dealt with similar. Thanks.
Officially request a ?FOI Subject access request for their phone records for that day and all details they have about you.

Eta just read pickmans post and edited FOI :D :thumbs: I learn something new every day
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But the options are webform (not keen, as then you have no record of it presumably), or letter. You can't email.
I always either copy and paste the text I enter into those in an e-mail to myself, or screenshot it before submitting. At least then you have a record of what you said.

Agree with Pickman's model - a SAR is a good option here. Plus, it's free to you but it'll cost them money to process which is a bonus.
I'd phone them up and make a subject access request for the recordings of your phone calls between 14 Sept and yesterday and a separate call to customer services advising them of your subject access request and saying that until they can demonstrate to you you owe the money it won't be forthcoming.
This, but also send an email. As you’ve discovered, proving phone calls can be tricky.


Always confirm any verbal agreements with a written follow up.
No major advice about how to go forward but don't worry about credit record stuff. I had a long run in with Ovo over estimated bills (that they estimated while having a smart meter installed in my house ffs), cancelled their DD, had threats of bailifs etc. before they eventually worked out I was right, and while there is an entry for it on my credit record it doesn't seem to have impacted the score which is still excellent.

Most lenders tend to ignore a single black mark on your credit record if it's an energy company, because they cock-up so often, I assume they do the same with mobile phone providers.
This, but also send an email. As you’ve discovered, proving phone calls can be tricky.

Always confirm any verbal agreements with a written follow up.
Agree with sending it in writing, but you can make a SAR verbally - but it depends if they record the conversation whether that would work reliably. chainsawjob you can also make a SAR via social media too in principle - obviously you wouldn't want to put your own details in the public domain, but if you tweeted them and said you want to make a SAR they're likely to DM you or give you a specific address to use.

But this is the address of their Data Protection Officer - this should always work as a direct way in to the team that handles such requests.


Full postal address here



Mr Marc AlleraChief Executive
Advice from CEOemail.com How to write your email to a Chief Executive
Telephone01707 315000
Switchboard01707 315000
Personal Twitter@MarcAlleraEE
Social MediaT F LI
Postal AddressTrident Place, Mosquito Way, Hatfield, Hertfordshire, AL10 9BWM
Company Number02382161
I used their complaints procedure plus a couple of online chats (that I kept a copy of) and nothing was working. I think the CEO route just means you get a more personalised customer service solution but in my case it worked.

The CEO route is good, I was going to go that way myself with OVO, but they had pissed me off so much I went down the ombudsman route instead, because that costs them more as they have to pay for the service, and the ombudsman normally awards a £100 goodwill payment, although me being cheeky I asked for £200 not expecting it, and the ombudsman asked if I would accept £150 instead, so yeah the extra £50 was a great result.
I used their complaints procedure plus a couple of online chats (that I kept a copy of) and nothing was working. I think the CEO route just means you get a more personalised customer service solution but in my case it worked.
This is true!
I worked at Talk Talk a few years ago.
Dido Harding was the CEO at the time....
SAR sent. Complaint made.

I sent it to the CEO and copied it to customerrelations@ee.co.uk and my OH.

I got an automatic reply saying the customer relations email is no longer being used, and to ring 150 or use the webform. They really don't want you to email them!

Thanks again everyone.
Use some sort of voice recorder on any call you make in future, either using your own phone or a family member or friend's one, just save you time in future and mean you've the evidence of what was said to hand
Just had a call from the Executive Customer Resolution Team. They're looking into it. No chance to record it, but they did follow up with a text confirming it's being investigated & with a number to contact them on. And she did say sorry this has happened :eek: Sorry's not a word you hear often!

Anyway, cheers for the CEO's email address cesare :D
I didn't want to post again until this was definitely dealt with, EE having a habit of not doing what they say they will, but the charge was cancelled, the debt collection agency called off (I have this in writing!), and as a gesture of goodwill they sent me a cheque for £30 which arrived today. I've donated this to Phone Credit for Refugees.

Cheers again everyone!
I didn't want to post again until this was definitely dealt with, EE having a habit of not doing what they say they will, but the charge was cancelled, the debt collection agency called off (I have this in writing!), and as a gesture of goodwill they sent me a cheque for £30 which arrived today. I've donated this to Phone Credit for Refugees.

Cheers again everyone!
Thanks very much! 🥰💕
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