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help me find artists/photographers who do nice seascapes


hang the bankers
This is a very general and vague thread and could go anywhere really.

I want to put some pictures on the walls.

Big, fuck off pictures that make a statement.

The only problem is I have no idea what to put! And finding artists (or rather, finding prints of those artists' works) is quite hard. I need a sort of "recommend me similar" engine...

So what do I want:

seascapes and paintings/photographs where the sea is an important visual element. it can just be in the background, but I really want a nautical theme here : stuff with boats is even better. but that's it... it could be anything from JMW Turner to Hiroshi Nagai. and everything in between... but what is that between?

suggestions please!
Probably not what you're after because I'm not sure he does prints - or how well those would even work anyway - and the paintings themselves aren't at all cheap, but if I had more money and I put things up on walls I'd have loads of paintings by this artist who lives near me. He does big oil on canvas seascapes full of lush texture and colours I could sit and stare at all day, and some smaller works on paper.
Dion Salvador Lloyd, Artist
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Andrew Coates has done some amazing paintings of sea, cliff and beach in Devon. His inland paintings can be too self-consciously bucolic for my tastes.

Afaik he hasn't done any sea pictures for 20 years and a decent sized old one will set you back north of £5k. Prints would be less, of course, but it's difficult finding a print of his good stuff.

The best sea pics by him are the ones without the sun in
This is a very general and vague thread and could go anywhere really.

I want to put some pictures on the walls.

Big, fuck off pictures that make a statement.

The only problem is I have no idea what to put! And finding artists (or rather, finding prints of those artists' works) is quite hard. I need a sort of "recommend me similar" engine...

So what do I want:

seascapes and paintings/photographs where the sea is an important visual element. it can just be in the background, but I really want a nautical theme here : stuff with boats is even better. but that's it... it could be anything from JMW Turner to Hiroshi Nagai. and everything in between... but what is that between?

suggestions please!
You want boats and atmosphere? Atkinson Grimshaw could be yer man




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