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Happy Welsh Language Music Day - Dydd Miwsig Cymru, 5th February


From the excellent History of Wales FB page:


Stereotypically, Welsh language music revolved around male voice choirs and traditional folk songs. However, Welsh Language Music Day looks to raise awareness of the diversity of music genres performed in the Welsh language.

Wales has long been known as the ‘land of song and the Welsh language has given the people of Wales a sense of identity and cultural significance. The National Eisteddfod of Wales considered the largest music and poetry festival in Europe. Welsh Language Music Day celebrates all forms of Welsh Language music and aims to encourage people who don’t speak the language to embrace the Welsh language music scene.

There is a legend that the first Eisteddfod took place at the royal behest of Maelgwn Gwynedd at Conwy during the 6th-century. The first recorded eisteddfod was hosted by Lord Rhys of Deheubarth at Cardigan Castle in 1176. The bardic tradition was continued through the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries and the first National Eisteddfod was held in Aberdare in 1861.

During the 1960’s and 1970's, there was a revival in the popularity of traditional Celtic music and the emergence of folk rock artists Dafydd Iwan and Meic Stevens. Iwan's record label ‘Sain’, was also significant as a platform for Welsh artists such as Y Bandana and Caryl Parry Jones. In 1983 song Dafydd Iwan's 'Yma o Hyd' claimed top spot in the UK iTunes chart.

Acts such as Anrehfn and Datblygu dominated the Welsh language music industry during the 80’s and 90’s and encouraged a new wave of groups and soloists across a wide range of genres, including Llwybr Llaethog and Alffa (a blues rock duo from Llanrug in North Wales) who were the first Welsh language artists to receive a million streams for their song ‘Gwenwyn’..

Dydd Miwsig Cymru 2020 saw the expansion of welsh music being performed across the UK with bands such as Adwaith (a indie band with a key political vein) performing in Liverpool.
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