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Hamlet v Whitehawk (Isthmian League) Saturday 09.03.24


In photos: Dulwich Hamlet grind out a dull 0-0 draw against Whitehawk, Sat 9th Mar 2024

In photos: Dulwich Hamlet grind out a dull 0-0 draw against Whitehawk, Sat 9th Mar 2024

In photos: Dulwich Hamlet grind out a dull 0-0 draw against Whitehawk, Sat 9th Mar 2024

In photos: Dulwich Hamlet grind out a dull 0-0 draw against Whitehawk, Sat 9th Mar 2024

In photos: Dulwich Hamlet grind out a dull 0-0 draw against Whitehawk, Sat 9th Mar 2024

Maybe you should have taken public transport. Moaning about people protesting about the ongoing horrific genocide in Gaza seems a little self entitled.

Anyway, you didn't miss anything. The game was dull, dull, dull.
There could be any number of reasons why it's impractical for someone to use public transport, and don't forget there were no trains to East Dulwich yesterday.

London traffic on a Saturday can be a nightmare at the best of times, and not just in the West End. One of our supporters described getting stuck for ages around Shooters Hill driving in from Kent yesterday. Personally I've no wish to have a car, but if I did I'd be giving Central London as wide a berth as possible right now.

It was the least entertaining home game since the Haringey FA Cup tie 6 months ago.
I was driving up to the game from Oxford and got stuck in central London due to the march, eventually giving up and going home after 3 1/2 hours of trying to get across the river. A mad day and I question what the demonstrators are trying to achieve when they disrupt ordinary folk trying to enjoy a day out. It certainly doesn't endear me to them! On the plus side, it seemed like good game to miss!
I'm sorry the demonstrations trying to stop people being brutally murdered got in the way of your drive. It's a shame there's no other way to get from Oxford to London
I was driving up to the game from Oxford and got stuck in central London due to the march, eventually giving up and going home after 3 1/2 hours of trying to get across the river. A mad day and I question what the demonstrators are trying to achieve when they disrupt ordinary folk trying to enjoy a day out. It certainly doesn't endear me to them! On the plus side, it seemed like good game to miss!
And there was me thinking the reason the crowd was down 20% was because the rugby was on and large numbers stayed in Clapham.
I feel I should add this photo when the faux-streaker briefly considered doing an actual streak instead of just being a bloke pointlessly running across the pitch in pants.

Really was a boring game - Obviously Lou tipped off
crowd lower than expected at 2.600 ish (maybe they were tipped off as well)
with two clear open goals missed by both sides
The tannoy really is grating - not Liam (who is excellent) but feedback and distortion
loads of stag do's seemed - another bore
big group of German fans (not altona)
oh well didn't lose - but play offs looking v hard now - we go on
oh and Whitehawk fans key jangling at corners - where I suspect some of our fans originally pinched this form of custom
We have been playing catch up fpr a long time now. Probably need to win 8 of the last 10 to get in rhe playoffs as quite a few teams better off tham us. Possible but difficult with rhe games coming thick and fast. Probably need a couple of higher level loans coming in to midfileld and up front to give ourselves a good chance
Really was a boring game - Obviously Lou tipped off
crowd lower than expected at 2.600 ish (maybe they were tipped off as well)
with two clear open goals missed by both sides
The tannoy really is grating - not Liam (who is excellent) but feedback and distortion
loads of stag do's seemed - another bore
big group of German fans (not altona)
oh well didn't lose - but play offs looking v hard now - we go on
oh and Whitehawk fans key jangling at corners - where I suspect some of our fans originally pinched this form of custom
And a bloke under the toilets opposite shouting out Shitehawk at every opportunity. Been around long mate?
I'm sorry the demonstrations trying to stop people being brutally murdered got in the way of your drive. It's a shame there's no other way to get from Oxford to London
I'm not questioning the the right to demonstrate, nor the horrors going on in Palestine; I'm merely expressing my frustration at not being able to get to a game I'd planned to go to for several weeks and meet with a friend I've not seen for some time. I could travel to Dulwich by public transport, but I'm fortunate enough to have a car, and as I've paid my road tax, that allows me to use the public highways for travel. The journey would be too long for me by public transport, not that I need to defend my use of a car to you or anyone else.
Really was a boring game - Obviously Lou tipped off
crowd lower than expected at 2.600 ish (maybe they were tipped off as well)
with two clear open goals missed by both sides
The tannoy really is grating - not Liam (who is excellent) but feedback and distortion
loads of stag do's seemed - another bore
big group of German fans (not altona)
oh well didn't lose - but play offs looking v hard now - we go on
oh and Whitehawk fans key jangling at corners - where I suspect some of our fans originally pinched this form of custom

Nope, it was pinched from St Pauli. It would have died a death very quickly, but Mishi made the mistake of rightfully saying how shit it is, so obviously encouraged lots of people to continue/join in.

I do love hearing the various versions of how it originated though... particularly the one that explains it as a "key moment".

Probably not true either, but apparently it started from a drunk St Pauli fan asking loudly lots of people where his keys were as he lost them...queue many of the terrace jingling their keys at him. Not sure how it went from this to being jingled at corners.
Road tax was abolished in the 1930s - you pay Vehicle Excise Duty. General taxation funds upkeep of roads.
I'm not questioning the the right to demonstrate, nor the horrors going on in Palestine; I'm merely expressing my frustration at not being able to get to a game I'd planned to go to for several weeks and meet with a friend I've not seen for some time. I could travel to Dulwich by public transport, but I'm fortunate enough to have a car, and as I've paid my road tax, that allows me to use the public highways for travel. The journey would be too long for me by public transport, not that I need to defend my use of a car to you or anyone else.
Just to note as well that it’s between 2hrs and 2hrs15mins from oxford to east dulwich by train this saturday versus 2hr estimated drive (google maps).

Let the train take the strain, as they say :)
Nope, it was pinched from St Pauli. It would have died a death very quickly, but Mishi made the mistake of rightfully saying how shit it is, so obviously encouraged lots of people to continue/join in.
Not sure about the St Pauli connection but the first time we came across this was on a “cultural exchange” trip with our Belgium friends from Namur. After a supporters game in 2008 that ended in a 6-6 the Dulwich team were guests of honour at a UR Namur game in the evening. Everytime there was a corner out came the keys and “jangle, jangle”!! Never did find out how it started there but seem to recall it made a brief appearance at Dulwich games only to die away until the more recent renaissance.1710204588283.jpeg
Expenditure on roads dwarfs revenues raised by VED. The Office for Budget Responsibility forecasts £8bn. in receipts for 2023/24. Public expenditure on roads for 2022/23 was over £11bn.
Nope, it was pinched from St Pauli. It would have died a death very quickly, but Mishi made the mistake of rightfully saying how shit it is, so obviously encouraged lots of people to continue/join in.

I do love hearing the various versions of how it originated though... particularly the one that explains it as a "key moment".

Probably not true either, but apparently it started from a drunk St Pauli fan asking loudly lots of people where his keys were as he lost them...queue many of the terrace jingling their keys at him. Not sure how it went from this to being jingled at corners.
I think "key moment" is the St Pauli origin story, which makes sense as it's a pun that's much funnier if English is not your native language.

I enjoy the "it's Dulwich home owners lording it over poor folk" origin story, partly because it doesn't make any sense to anyone who's not a moron (do renters not need keys to access their properties too?), but also because it's part of the grand tradition of us being so wonderful there's nothing bad to say about us, so people need to make things up to have a pop instead.
I think "key moment" is the St Pauli origin story, which makes sense as it's a pun that's much funnier if English is not your native language.

I enjoy the "it's Dulwich home owners lording it over poor folk" origin story, partly because it doesn't make any sense to anyone who's not a moron (do renters not need keys to access their properties too?), but also because it's part of the grand tradition of us being so wonderful there's nothing bad to say about us, so people need to make things up to have a pop instead.

I've certainly never heard that suggestion before. Who on earth came up with that?
Can the attendance be capped at what it was on Saturday please. Another 700 in there and its no wonder the place is an afternoon of non stop queues.
Apparently it’s existed in US college sports for some time emphasised academic superiority over sporting prowess. It seems it’s to do with the students of the less “posh” colleges ending up valeting the cars of their elite opponents.
“Rudolph said he later found out the tradition implies that Northwestern is so academically superior that even if the Wildcats lose, it’s OK — students at the competing university would “valet our cars” in the future.”
Can the attendance be capped at what it was on Saturday please. Another 700 in there and its no wonder the place is an afternoon of non stop queues.
Here's a thought...

There were discussions about lowering the capacity a few years ago but, if I remember correctly, it wasn't done because there were worries it would stop us getting promoted into the National League. But since being relegated to the Isthmian has already done that, and we have a new stadium in the pipeline, would it be worth revising lowering the capacity if we're still in this division next season?

(Apologies if any of that is factually incorrect, I look forward to being corrected)
Apparently it’s existed in US college sports for some time emphasised academic superiority over sporting prowess. It seems it’s to do with the students of the less “posh” colleges ending up valeting the cars of their elite opponents.
“Rudolph said he later found out the tradition implies that Northwestern is so academically superior that even if the Wildcats lose, it’s OK — students at the competing university would “valet our cars” in the future.”
Although that key jangling doesn't seem to linked to be 'key moments' - it's just elitist shitheads flaunting their financial superiority over poorer rivals.
Here's a thought...

There were discussions about lowering the capacity a few years ago but, if I remember correctly, it wasn't done because there were worries it would stop us getting promoted into the National League. But since being relegated to the Isthmian has already done that, and we have a new stadium in the pipeline, would it be worth revising lowering the capacity if we're still in this division next season?

(Apologies if any of that is factually incorrect, I look forward to being corrected)
Unfortunately it’s not possible to just invent a capacity within it good reason. If the club used the guide to its full the capacity would be higher than 3334. The manager wants a competitive budget and so limiting it way below capacity is difficult when match day income is crucial, unlike almost every other club
I assume the maximum capacity of Champion Hill is still set in conjunction with Southwark council as part of the club’s safety assessment so it’s not just down to the club?
Unfortunately it’s not possible to just invent a capacity within it good reason. If the club used the guide to its full the capacity would be higher than 3334. The manager wants a competitive budget and so limiting it way below capacity is difficult when match day income is crucial, unlike almost every other club
I stand corrected! Thanks Liam
I assume the maximum capacity of Champion Hill is still set in conjunction with Southwark council as part of the club’s safety assessment so it’s not just down to the club?
The absolute maximum is obviously not down to the club, but I understand the figure approved by Southwark Council is currently higher than 3,334 and it is the club's choice not to go above 3 334. I assume the people advocating an even lower capacity will be happy to miss out when fewer tickets are available?

I still haven't forgotten how depressing it was to see as few as 150 people scattered around Champion Hill for Isthmian Division 1 South matches on a Saturday afternoon. Personally I'd rather tolerate the inconvenience of queues and not being able to sit/stand exactly where I want than go back to that.
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