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Hamlet v Palace, pre-season match, Tuesday 20 July 2021, ko 7pm

I haven’t been to any of the pre-season games as of yet, so I can’t make any real judgment of the side as of yet.

However, given the side that we’ve got on paper and the fact we play a Palace ‘Development’ side near enough every year and seem to hold our own I have to say I’m quite disappointed/surprised with this result. We’ve played much stronger/senior Palace sides over the years, with what would probably be considered a weaker Hamlet side and definitely been in the game a lot more than this evenings result suggests we were. I understand these games are set up for minutes in the legs, allowing new members time to adapt etc but I’m not full of excitement as of yet to be honest. 0 goals in 3 games is a worry.

I’m hoping to be at the next game and watch us trash whoever we play 11-0.
I haven’t been to any of the pre-season games as of yet, so I can’t make any real judgment of the side as of yet.

However, given the side that we’ve got on paper and the fact we play a Palace ‘Development’ side near enough every year and seem to hold our own I have to say I’m quite disappointed/surprised with this result. We’ve played much stronger/senior Palace sides over the years, with what would probably be considered a weaker Hamlet side and definitely been in the game a lot more than this evenings result suggests we were. I understand these games are set up for minutes in the legs, allowing new members time to adapt etc but I’m not full of excitement as of yet to be honest. 0 goals in 3 games is a worry.
I'd say these are valid concerns. We were pulverised by four goals in the first quarter of the match, two of them in the first seven minutes, with David Omilabu and John Kymani-Gordon scoring twice each. Whilst Palace created and converted their chances with impressive panache, some of our players seemed overwhelmed by their defensive responsibilities. We picked a back three containing only one true centre back and the midfield trio that worked quite well against Millwall got blown away by opponents whose speed of thought and movement was too much for them. Thankfully the mid-half drinks break brought some respite and provided something of a tactical time out. Hamlet reached half time without any further damage and made a much better impression during the second half after the visitors had made multiple substitutions. We looked much better after Harris-Sealy, who began at left wing back, moved to a more attacking role on the right, while the main three triallists who appeared against Millwall got another run out. (These included James Dayton, who was identified by the Southwark News but at this stage he is not a confirmed signing.)

Hamlet team (3-5-2): Grainger - Ming, Holland(c), Blackman - Barnum-Bobb, McGregor, Higgs, Dayton, Harris-Sealy - Mills, Kandi.
Subs used: Timlin, Splatt, Acheampong, triallist striker, triallist left winger. Attendance: 888
was James Dayton the number 12? I thought he was very good, and his shot to explode the beer of a supporter was a definite high point. Harris-Sealy was impressive in attack, quick skilful and nearly rewarded with a goal on a couple of occasions. Do we have a number on attendance? It looked pleasingly full, especially for a Tuesday night pre-season friendly.
Have to admit after watching quite a few of these hamlet v palace matches over the years I was quite disappointed with the gap between the teams it definitely felt like it has widened.

But as they say, these are only pre season friendlies so we all live in hope...
Not the best performance but is pre season and beer more important! Palace were good though.

PP - did you take the mic again?? Excellent stuff - been trying to put a name to a face!
That was a very strong Palace side, with a number of players who will no-doubt progress to the first team, in what is still one of the top football Leagues in the World
were a non-league club recovering from disjointed season, at war with the League and players scattered to the winds and an ever changing player budget
Sure it will take time for the new squad to galvanise
what were people seriously expecting
As always remain hopeful

Looked like well over 1,000, but maybe many friends of the players

PP sterling work as apprentice announcer
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That was a very strong Palace side, with a number who will no-doubt progress to the first team in what still is one of the top football Leagues in the World
were a non-league club recovering from disjointed season, at war with the League and players scattered to the winds and an ever changing player budget
Sure it will take time for the new squad to galvanise
what were people seriously expecting
As always remain hopeful

Looked like well over 1,000, but maybe many friends of the players

PP sterling work as apprentice announcer
That's a fair point. Hope that is the case
Not the best performance but is pre season and beer more important! Palace were good though.

PP - did you take the mic again?? Excellent stuff - been trying to put a name to a face!
Yes, that was me on the PA. At least it was audible this time, so I was assured, although it was a struggle to get the right numbers for all the Palace players after I was given "All the right names, but not necessarily in the right order." Normally official teamsheets are exchanged by the club secretary but it's all a bit more informal in these games. Thankfully Mark Bright was on hand to help me out but even he was undermined by players not putting their shirts on until just before they entered the field, so we couldn't be certain who was wearing which number in advance.
That's a fair point. Hope that is the case
I think the important point to remember is that we're a part time team and this was only our third match since January, whereas the young Palace players are full time professional athletes who were playing regular league matches up to the end of May, finishing 3rd in the confusingly named Premier League 2 Division 2, behind Leeds United and Stoke City. Premier League 2 consists of two divisions of 14 clubs, with Division 1 including all the big guns plus a few interlopers such as Derby and Blackburn. We were probably exposed as being rather undercooked and they really caught us cold from the start. Palace were certainly a far stronger side the the Millwall U23 team we faced last week.

I remain concerned that once again we may be a bit light on enough good players at centre back, a recurring theme every season since we were promoted IMO, although we still have Tyrone Sterling to arrive following international duty and Quade Taylor was absent this evening.
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