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Halloween costume: based around this mask?

Lord Camomile

Apologies for another of these threads, though I suspect it may not be the last.

Got a Halloween party to go to and I was thinking of basing a costume around this mask I bought in Barcelona:


Trouble is, I'm no genius when it comes to clothes, so I thought I'd seek ideas and suggestions here. I thought perhaps some kind of 'fire demon' type thing, but what the hell clothes make a fire demon?! First thoughts were to get a waistcoat with some red in it, but I'm pretty sure that's just because I want an excuse to buy that waistcoat. Also, dressing up in such clothes seem the male equivilent of 'sexy witch' or 'zombie cheerleader' - just an excuse to make yourself look good with a vague Halloween theme.

Saying that, there may be this girl there that I like, so if we could work on some way of making me look good without it looking like I'm trying to look good, that'd be greeeeaaaaat ;)
Apologies for another of these threads, though I suspect it may not be the last.

Got a Halloween party to go to and I was thinking of basing a costume around this mask I bought in Barcelona:


Trouble is, I'm no genius when it comes to clothes, so I thought I'd seek ideas and suggestions here. I thought perhaps some kind of 'fire demon' type thing, but what the hell clothes make a fire demon?! First thoughts were to get a waistcoat with some red in it, but I'm pretty sure that's just because I want an excuse to buy that waistcoat. Also, dressing up in such clothes seem the male equivilent of 'sexy witch' or 'zombie cheerleader' - just an excuse to make yourself look good with a vague Halloween theme.

Saying that, there may be this girl there that I like, so if we could work on some way of making me look good without it looking like I'm trying to look good, that'd be greeeeaaaaat ;)

This guy's clothes.

Dude, if I could get that outfit then sod the party, I'd wear that to work.

yes...and a pitchfork...and a cloak....massive bit of red material and a broom stick with a pitch forky bit on top...sorted...oh yes, you'll get the girl in that little rig up.
You seem to have forgotten trousers :hmm:

get a tux and a cloak and go as a phanto of the opera variant
I did consider it, but I'm not really a huge fan of the Phantom. Plus, I'm much prettier ;)
How it's gonna go down:

"Who are you supposed to be?"
"I am the Lord of hellfire, and I bring you *whip out and light Zippo* FIRE!"
"Take me, take me now"

Can't fail.

NB: "Zippo" is not a euphemism for my penis.
That mask looks a bit woody to me. Cover yourself in leaves and go as Bob the tree demon from Twin Peaks
Looks very Demon Matador to me. If you've got the physique then a matador outfit plus scarlet cloak. There's something very sexy about a matador's garb. There's also that thing about skill and cruelty which fits the scariness element of Halloween.
That mask looks a bit woody to me. Cover yourself in leaves and go as Bob the tree demon from Twin Peaks
It's actually leather, but I did have somewhat similar thoughts. It doesn't help that I keep thinking it's something a morris dancer would wear :rolleyes: :D

Looks very Demon Matador to me. If you've got the physique then a matador outfit plus scarlet cloak. There's something very sexy about a matador's garb. There's also that thing about skill and cruelty which fits the scariness element of Halloween.
Alas, I have the physique of a middle-aged 10 year old - no shoulders to speak of, and a little too soft round the middle. Interesting idea though, will give it some more thought...
How it's gonna go down:

"Who are you supposed to be?"
"I am the Lord of hellfire, and I bring you *whip out and light Zippo* FIRE!"
"Take me, take me now"

Can't fail.

NB: "Zippo" is not a euphemism for my penis.
Would work on me. :thumbs:
Looks a bit harlequin like to me, which I think would be a pretty cool idea for a costume. Don't know where you would find one though.

Incidentally, I went looking for an image but couldn't find a decent one but as a piece of advice do not put the word harlequin in google image search it comes up with some rather disturbing images.
How it's gonna go down:

"Who are you supposed to be?"
"I am the Lord of hellfire, and I bring you *whip out and light Zippo* FIRE!"
"Take me, take me now"

Can't fail.

NB: "Zippo" is not a euphemism for my penis.

Fantastic!! :D That would work on me tbf - I once made a similar joke to a bloke at work when he became our fire marshall....he didn't know what I was talking about :oops:
he he, I really thought it was a bit cheesy, but maybe there's the charm. I can do that thing where you light it by clicking your fingers though, and I think I could do it on my jeans too (been a while since I played with a Zippo*).

*again, not a euhpemism.
Alas, I have the physique of a middle-aged 10 year old - no shoulders to speak of, and a little too soft round the middle. Interesting idea though, will give it some more thought...

You have just short of 3 weeks to get thee a 6 pack :D Get crunching mate :D I like Mrs M's idea.

For fire demon you'd need red jeans and shirt imo.

I thought harlequin too tbh and they can be very sexy! Nice muscley legs encased in tight trousers works for me tbf :D
Not exactly one for the muscley legs either... Also, don't like tight trousers, can't dance proper in 'em ;)

I was thinking of having elements of red, but not going all out red everything; don't wanna look like a Jack White wannabe. Also thought I could burn areas of the clothing, for the singe marks.

I have a leather jacket that might work, but I think it kinda looks like I'm a teenager wearing his dad's jacket. I also have a long wool jacket, but the sleeves are a little short, kinda 80s :hmm:
Be sure to die your beard black, wax and groom it into proper satanic slickness. Hair too for full effect :)
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