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Sorry for the whinge, but where the fuck can I find the rest of the women's gymnastics coverage? Watched up until midway through (so after Biles pulled out) and then the BBC did its channel flip thing and now I can't find which section it is on the iplayer :(

More power to Simone Biles btw. She's fucking superhuman and to do the right thing by herself and her team under such intense scrutiny only confirms that in my eyes.

She's brilliant and the predictable backlash against her is ugly.

It's being compared to (on social media) that Surya Bonaly faced a similar, even worse backlash after her coming second in figure skating nearly 30 years ago.

Xiao Ruoteng nailing all his floor landings, making it look so easy to do a triple whatsit and land with both feet together without taking a step backwards.
Happy-snivelling again at the beam final. So pleased that Simone Biles was able to compete, smashed her routine and got a bronze; so impressed at everyone's skills; so moved by the tiny little 16yo Chinese gymnast pulling off a ridiculous routine with complete nonchalance and then realising "fuck, I've got the gold!" 🥰 Just brilliant all round.
Happy-snivelling again at the beam final. So pleased that Simone Biles was able to compete, smashed her routine and got a bronze; so impressed at everyone's skills; so moved by the tiny little 16yo Chinese gymnast pulling off a ridiculous routine with complete nonchalance and then realising "fuck, I've got the gold!" 🥰 Just brilliant all round.
Brilliant beam competition, some great performances. Happy for Biles, I wonder if she'll look back on this bronze as her favourite.
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